Your alma mater publishes an alumni newsletter each month. Part of the newsletter is an article written by an alumnus of the university.


Your alma mater publishes an alumni newsletter each month. Part of the newsletter is an article written by an alumnus of the university. This month, you have been asked to write the article for the newsletter. As a new MSN prepared nurse, you have been reflecting on the ways nursing theory has shaped the profession. While Florence Nightingale is traditionally upheld as a beacon for nursing, you have recently learned that some of her history is problematic. The idolization of Florence Nightingale obscures the contributions of other historical figures, leading to a lack of diversity in nursing. In your article, you would like to highlight the contributions of nurses of color to enhance inclusion in nursing. You hope that by featuring these notable nurses in the newsletter, you will impact how the profession is seen, ultimately increasing diversity in the nursing workforce.




Write an article for your alumni newsletter and address the following:


Detailed description of how nursing theory has shaped the profession of nursing, with thorough analysis.

Exemplary Critique of the profession’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, with multiple thorough examples.

Thorough depiction at least three nursing theorists or historical figures selected to highlight inclusion. Detailed descriptions of their contributions.

Highly adept explanation of how correcting the historical narrative of nursing will impact diversity in the profession. Includes multiple thorough examples.

Exemplary use of professional language that is free of bias, and thoroughly supported with evidence (In-text citations and references in the correct APA style). Established a concisely stated scholarity position appropriated for purpose, format, style, and audience and free of errors.

Your alma mater publishes an alumni newsletter each month. Part of the newsletter is an article written by an alumnus of the university.

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