You still need to make some changes on this IRB Application
5. Background,
Rewrite this section and add the in-text citations. This section should begin with: The problem is ……. You are talking about the problem that is being studied not the survey or interview process.
The problem is fixed assets have been troublesome for many accountants and tax professionals resulting in companies over-reporting the value of fixed assets, overstating depreciation, and increasing unnecessary costs (Oracle NetSuite, 2020; Raхimova, 2020).
6. Research questions- Use the examples in the IRB package for ideas.
How does corporate social responsibility impact on small businesses in Western Kentucky?
What are the impacts of corporate social responsibility on the community in Western Kentucky? Are you surveying the community, if not, reword this question?
How does CSR affect the relationship between customers and stakeholders.? How does this apply to small businesses?
7. Not correct, remove the 3rd sentence as it has not been approved. Add the tool you will use for Quantitative research: either NVivo and QDA Miner Lite. You can Go back to the email, or class announcement that I sent on data collection and analysis and add what tool you will use.
12. Reword “To get rid of bias” – rather state it as: “To avoid any bias…..”
13. You need to view the IRB examples and create the template title it an upload it in the package.
14. Same a #13, this needs to be on a template and uploaded
16. Need a template as #13 and #14, list all of the questions that will be asked. This needs to be uploaded in the IRB application.
17. Need a template as #13 and #14 and #16. Follow the examples and create the templates need to be uploaded
You still need to make some changes on this IRB Application
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