What Love Is This?



a. Share a time when you acted out of love and it hurt you in some way to do so.

-For context, I haven’t really had a good relationship with my dad. He wasn’t really present in my life growing up and have done things to my mom that was hard to forgive. Until two years ago, my family on his side went through some issues. I called my dad to ask what had happened. That was the longest conversation I ever had with him and he asked for forgiveness. Fast forward to this year, it was his birthday in March and he told me they aren’t celebrating. I decided to send him some money, so that he could bring my siblings to a nice restaurant and celebrate. It hurt because there were so many birthdays and holidays we missed celebrating due to being angry and holding grudges. 

b. Share a time when someone acted out of love on your behalf and you know it cost him/her dearly to do so.

When my mom and dad separated, things did not end well between them. As a result, my mom felt that she had no choice but to go abroad to be able to provide for me financially. She worked in Hong Kong for eight years with only two weeks vacation every two years back home. I know that it was hard for her being away from her family in a foreign country, but she did it out of love for me.


Share a time when you acted out of love and it hurt you in some way to do so.

A time when I acted out of love and it hurt me, was when I had to stand my ground with my brother in law and his addictions.  We are incredibly close, and I have went out of my way to try to help him, and keep his bonds in tack with his children and now ex wife.  Emotionally the entire situation has been draining on myself and the entire family.  He has spent jail time, gotten in multiple wrecks and still doesn’t seem to get it.  I lost a cousin to a drunk driver and I had to put my foot down.  Out of love for him and his family, I refused to allow him to continue to live in my home.  I put up boundaries and refused to continue to enable him.  Even when the entire family stopped talking to me and didn’t understand, I had to do what I thought was best to save his life.  My heart broke but I knew that it was the right thing.  

a. Share a time when someone acted out of love on your behalf and you know it cost him/her dearly to do so.

My family acts out of love on my behalf all the time.  I have made choices that many people do not understand.  I don’t know that my choices have cost my family, but I know living in a small town my family tends to get the brunt of the conversations or are talked about.  In my case, I don’t live with my son now.  He is 17 and the town we moved too is dangerous but we moved here due to my work.  His father and I are divorced but have remained great friends.  The school was failing my son and I couldn’t have that for him.  He moved in with his father 4 years after trying the schools here.  What the small town doesn’t understand is this was the hardest decision of my life.  You don’t get married to be divorced and you certainly don’t have children to not raise them.  What they also don’t understand is I am there for everything, we communicate all the time and his father and I co parent amazingly well.  We have made an unconventional relationship work for us.  The small town doesn’t get it and will tend to make comments and judge.  My family takes this on their shoulders and deals with the conversations often.  

We may not have everything together but we do have Love.  

3.2 Discussion: Measurement


a. What did you learn about measurement from the article? Be specific in your response.

In “ Measuring Depression in Korean Americans,“ Miyong Kim (2002) discusses creating and assessing a depression screening tool specifically for Korean Americans. By developing the Kim Depression Scale for Korean Americans (KDSKA), the study establishes a reliable and valid screening instrument tailored to this linguistic and cultural minority group. The KDSKA demonstrates adequate reliability, validity, and potentially high sensitivity in identifying depressive symptoms among first-generation Korean Americans. This research contributes valuable insights for mental health assessment within this community. To create a culturally relevant depression measurement tool, researchers conducted multiple focus groups. These sessions aimed to uncover the cognitive patterns and experiences related to depression among Korean Americans (Kim, 2002, p. 109, 111). To highlight an important distinction between internal consistency and construct validity in measurement instruments:

1. Internal consistency refers to how well the items within a scale or instrument correlate. High internal consistency suggests that the items are measuring a similar construct. However, more than good internal consistency is needed to guarantee the instrument’s validity. This study demonstrated a high level of internal consistency.

2. Construct validity refers to whether the instrument accurately measures the intended construct (e.g., depression and happiness). Construct validity requires evidence beyond internal consistency. Researchers need to demonstrate that the instrument assesses what it claims to measure. This study’s evidence comes from comparing the KDSKA to the CES-D (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) and the HOS (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression). The KDSKA showed a positive and significant correlation with the CES-D and the HOS. This finding suggests that the KDSKA has concurrent validity, which aligns well with these established depression scales. To test discriminant validity (i.e., whether the KDSKA measures depression distinctively), they compared it to a happiness scale called the MUNSH (Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness). The KDSKA demonstrates discriminant validity by showing a significant negative correlation between depression and happiness constructs (Kim, 2002, pp. 115-116).


b. How did it inform your own research proposal? Cite examples to support your post.

Drawing parallels from the article on measuring depression in Korean Americans, my research proposal on life coaching models and client outcomes can benefit in several ways:

1. Effectiveness Assessment: Similar to assessing the KDSKA’s reliability and validity, my study needs to evaluate the effectiveness of various life coaching models. It will investigate how different coaching techniques impact clients’ outcomes, well-being, and goal achievement.

2. Internal Consistency and Construct Validity: I must reflect on the distinction between internal consistency and construct validity. While internal consistency ensures coherence within a model, construct validity requires evidence that the model accurately measures what it claims to address.

3. Concurrent and Discriminant Validity: I must consider measuring concurrent validity by comparing coaching models to established well-being scales. Additionally, I will have to explore discriminant validity and how coaching models distinguish themselves from unrelated constructs. 


c. What questions do you have about measurement, especially as related to your capstone project? Clearly articulate your specific measurement questions so that your peers may respond with their findings. 

In the context of my capstone project on life coaching models and client outcomes, I have the following specific measurement questions:

· How can I quantitatively measure the effectiveness of different life coaching models?

· What outcome variables (e.g., well-being, goal achievement, satisfaction) should I consider, and how do I operationalize them?



Kim, M. T. (2002). Measuring Depression in Korean Americans: Development of the Kim Depression Scale for Korean Americans.  Journal of Transcultural Nursing,  13(2), 109–117.  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/104365960201300203


What did you learn about measurement from the article? Be specific in your response.

Within the research article titled “Measuring Depression in Korean Americans: Development of the Kim Depression Scale for Korean Americans,” Miyong T. Kim explains the process of developing and testing a depression-screening instrument that is especially suited for Korean Americans. The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which linguistic and cultural minority groups need depression diagnostic instruments that are responsive to their local culture (Kim, 2002). The Korean American community serves as an example demographic for this discussion. During the development phase, the researchers participated in a number of focus groups throughout the process. These focus groups of participants assisted in the development of the Kim Depression Scale for Korean Americans (KDSKA) (Kim, 2002). There were 154 first-generation Korean Americans who participated in this round of the project. They were investigating the psychometric features of the KDSKA. The KDSKA had good reliability and validity for screening for depression among Korean Americans, as well as the potential to have a high level of sensitivity (Kim, 2002). The research emphasizes the significance of using evaluation instruments that are culturally appropriate in order to facilitate improvements in mental health outcomes among certain communities.

Here are the key points I learned:

· Researchers use the metric equivalence method, a quantitative strategy, to evaluate the cross-cultural equivalents of translated instruments. Based on cross-cultural data from the Korean and English versions of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), the researchers investigated patterns of psychometric features. These patterns were based on the CES-D. To determine whether or not two metrics are equivalent, we used component analysis, inter-item and item-total correlations, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (Kim, 2002).

· The Korean-American sample had an alpha value of 0.85, whereas the Anglo-American group had a coefficient of 0.92 for the same time period (Kim, 2002). All of the items on the CES-D in the Anglo-American sample fulfilled the minimal correlation requirement of 0.30, which is considered to be desirable (Kim, 2002). However, in the Korean American group, four of the questions did not satisfy the criteria. Through the use of factor analysis, two factors were discovered for both groups, each of which had comparable patterns and congruence coefficients.

· The research emphasizes the significance of using evaluation instruments that are culturally appropriate in order to facilitate improvements in mental health outcomes among certain communities. Item biases identified in the Korean version of the instrument could potentially affect the sensitivity of the CES-D (Kim, 2002).

How did it inform your own research proposal? Cite examples to support your post.

In the field of research, measurement is an essential component because it provides a methodical approach to seeing and recording data (Trochim, n.d.). Measurement research has informed my research proposal in the following ways:

Quantitative research is distinguished by its reliance on measurement and use of a regulated methodology (Plant et al., 2018). Researchers make use of numerical measurements in order to investigate differences between groups, carry out statistical tests, and assess the efficacy of therapy. You cannot conduct a test on something you cannot measure (Plant et al., 2018).

In the process of doing research, it will be essential to have a solid understanding of the four primary levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio (Bobbitt, 2023). In my research, I will use these levels as a reference to determine how to give scores and meanings to various topics.

Types of measures I can use (Trochim, n.d.):

· Survey Research: Design and implement interviews and questionnaires.

· Scaling: Develop and use measurement scales.

· Qualitative Research: Explore non-numerical approaches.

· Unobtrusive in nature Measures: Methods that don’t interfere with the research context

What questions do you have about measurement, especially as related to your capstone project? Clearly articulate your specific measurement questions so that your peers may respond with their findings.

· What if I can’t find enough peer reviewed articles for my chosen subject? 

· How can I effectively conduct measurement research if I don’t have a big audience?


Bobbitt, Z. (2023, March 20). Levels of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio. Statology.  https://www.statology.org/levels-of-measurement-nominal-ordinal-interval-and-ratio/ Kim, M. T. (2002). Measuring Depression in Korean Americans: Development of the

Kim Depression Scale for Korean Americans. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(2), 109–117.  https://doi.org/10.1177/104365960201300203

Plant, A. L., Becker, C. A., Hanisch, R. J., Boisvert, R. F., Possolo, A. M., & Elliott, J. T. (2018). How measurement science can improve confidence in research results. PLoS Biology, 16(4), e2004299.  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2004299

Trochim, W. M. (n.d.). Measurement. Research Methods Knowledge Base.  https://conjointly.com/kb/measurement-in-research/

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