This museum paper will require you to select one work of art from 1)


This museum paper will require you to select one work of art from 1) an official museum website that has at least three detailed image shots available online or 2) from a google art project where you can zoom in and see the details.Select any painting, print, hanging scroll, folding screen, sculpture,architecture,or ceramics that is relevant to the time period or themes we are covering in this class, according to your own preferences. This is an assignment about looking and writing and requires you to rely on your own visual observations, followed by a brief research. Be sure to have a clear argument/main thesis statement in your paper, which means you need to add in the intro paragraph what you would like to explore through your paper.Write an essay with a minimum of FOUR (4) typed, 12-pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced pages in lengthand with one-inch margins.You MUSTincludeone main image with proper caption (artist name, title, date, medium, location)andthree additional detailed imagesof the main objectAFTER your text and bibliography. If you are comparing your work of art with some other images (preferably one or two), please include those images with proper caption. Classify your work of art using the art-historical terminology established in your textbookor in the class. In addition to drawing upon what you have learned from your class, please consult no more than threedifferent written sources as part of your research on this topic. To avoid plagiarism, all students must document research sources properly using footnotes and must include a bibliography.See The Chicago Manual of Style(15th edition,…) for correct bibliographic format and the correct format for footnotes. Basic guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Stylecan be found on the Simpson Library website ( and will be provided in class through Canvas. * DO NOT USE RANDOM ONLINE SOURCESexcept e-journals/scholarly articlesfound online through “Research Database” on the Simpson library website and trustworthy

dictionaries (Britannica, Oxford art online, essays on the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History). Most online sources, such as randomblog posts or non-scholarly websites, don’thave authors and contain wrong information. Also, please try to avoid Wikipedia. It’s ok to look at the content from museum websites and cite in a proper way, but please don’t quote or copy the visual analysis. The visual analysis must be your own. This is not a full research paper, and there is no right or wrong answer. There are, however, right and wrong ways of thinking through the problem.Try to address the following questions, in approximately this order:I. Start with an introductory paragraph. Please do not write about your visiting experience since this is NOT a personal essay. You should avoid first-person voice as this is a scholarly paper. Briefly indicate ID (artist, title, date, medium, size, time period, narrative) and your argument(thesis statement). II. Briefly analyze the style of your work of art(visual analysis).-How would you classify the work stylistically?(e.g. Neolithic period, Ming Dynasty, Edo period, Late Joseon Dynasty)-How large is it? -Describe the image such as you are reporting a stolen object: -Figure Style (proportion, clothing, sculpture in round, chiastic pose, hand gestures, facial expression)-Medium (earthenware, fresco, cherrywood, bronze-casting, earthenware, bronze)-Organization of Composition and Space (two-dimensional, three-dimensional, hieratic scale, perspective, isocephalic composition, symmetrical/asymmetrical composition, two stories)-Lines (vertical, diagonal lines)-Color (bright, neutral, muted, subdued, de-saturated, warm, cool)-Light -Texture (draperies)-Movement, Emphasis, Proportion-Do you think that your artist intends to create an image that is naturalistic, artificial, or ideal?-To what ‘known’ example would you compare your painting with respect to style?Add one or two comparisons by asking the following questions: -Is the composition, figure, gestures, symbolism, calligraphy similar? Why or why not?-Are similar techniques used to create the work of art (e.g., wet plaster, piece case molding process, hieratic scale, overlapping, etc.)?-What system of modeling is used to render depth of the forms (e.g., intuitive perspective, certain ink techniques, brush techniques, watercolor, sumi)?

III. For what social contextor function do you think your painting was made? -You need to refer to sources to answer this question. To argue your point effectively, you may back up your statement by adding historical facts, events, and other relevant contexts in the sources. You may cite one ‘known’ work of art which performed the same kind of function within a similar social or religious context (e.g., a Buddhist sculpture from a specific period, a work for a patron or emperor, a work for the open market, court paintings, originsin Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, or Zen Buddhism).IV. What is the subject (whether narrative or iconic) of the painting?-How does the subject matter or meaning of your painting relate to its probable social context or function? -Cite a work of art with similar or the same subject matterand explain the exact nature of the relationship.V. Add a nice conclusion. Good Luck! Useful websites:How to write visual analysis in an art history paper:… Library website: Guide for Art & Art History: Library Art and Art History Databases: Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum Academy: Arts of Asia Manual of Style Guide:

Purdue Online Writing Lab (Chicago Manual of Style

This museum paper will require you to select one work of art from 1)

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