The research paper proposal is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas, sources and structure for your research paper.

The research paper proposal is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas, sources and structure for your research paper. See the description of the research paper (below) for further guidelines. The paper proposal is a 3-4 page document that includes: • Your draft thesis (argument) and introduction • A bullet point outline of your paper o What are your main sections? o Approximately how long will each part be? o What are the topic sentences/sub-arguments for each section? • Problems you expect to encounter (trouble finding sources, too much information, time management) and how you might address them.

The research paper is an 8-10 page (double-spaced 12 pt Times New Roman, excluding reference list/bibliography). For your research paper you will choose one historical case or document which has shaped contemporary human rights history (e.g. the Charter of Rights, R. v N.S.). 5 This is an argument-centered paper – you must present an argument about the document or the case you are analyzing (for example its contribution to human rights history, its accuracy or omissions in representation, etc.)

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The research paper proposal is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas, sources and structure for your research paper.

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