The IEP process is a collaborative one, so it is important that each participant understands their role in helping create goals for the student. Special education teachers plan summative and formative assessments in alignment with these IEP goals to accommodate the needs of individual students. Additionally, they track student progress towards these goals to ensure they are being met.
Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.
Observe an IEP meeting with your mentor or another experienced special education teacher. Before attending, meet with the teacher to discuss how they prepared for the meeting, including necessary documentation. During the meeting, note who was involved, the process of the meeting, the data used to drive educational decisions, and the outcomes of the meeting. Discuss these items with the teacher following the meeting and ask any needed clarifying questions. If you are unable to observe an IEP meeting, discuss with your mentor teacher their last IEP meeting.
Following your observation or discussion, write a 250-500 word reflection that includes the following:
Summary of the IEP meeting including who was involved, the process of the meeting, the data used to drive educational decisions, and the outcomes of the meeting.
What multiple methods of assessment were used to determine IEP goals and objectives.
The data collection methods to be used to monitor the progress of the IEP goals and how frequently progress will be monitored.
The student’s present level of performance and what changes may need to be made if there is a lack of progress.
How you will use and analyze multiple assessments for determining student progress on IEP goals in your future professional practice.
Use pseudonyms when identifying students in the class. Any remaining field experience hours can be used to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.Teachers create both formative and summative assessments during the lesson design process to effectively support and measure IEP goals. They use these assessments to determine whether the goals and objectives support, verify, and document learning of students with moderate to severe disabilities.
Review the goals created for Henry in Topic 2 based on the grade-level ELA and math standards. Describe two formative assessments and one summative assessment for the two goals that are appropriate for Henry and based on his goals.
In 750-1,000 words (total), describe each of the six assessments, including:
Challenging and engaging real-life tasks.
Opportunities for Henry to demonstrate what he knows.
Clear instructions for Henry and the support staff who will assist Henry, including how to document Henry’s progress.
Additionally, in 250-500 words reflect on the following:
Explain how the assessments appropriately support, verify, and document Henry’s learning.
Explain how the feedback will be shared with Henry.
Explain how you will use data from the multiple methods of assessments to make future educational decisions for Henry.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
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