Step 1: Due in Lesson 2 Submit Organization Name and Management/Leadership Overview.

Step 1: Due in Lesson 2

Submit Organization Name and Management/Leadership Overview. To submit your selection, click on the link “Step 1: Submit Organization Name and Management/Leadership Overview”. Follow the assignment’s directions carefully before submitting your organization selection.

Step 2: Due in Lesson 5
Submit UNGRADED draft for you to check your score on TurnItIn. Use TurnItInto submit a preview of your draft paper. You are permitted one ungraded submittal to TurnItIn to preview your initial Matching Index Score. This preview TurnItIn site will open on the same date as the official draft submittal opening date. If your preview score exceeds 24%, check the report to confirm where copied words and phrases are causing you to exceed the value.

Then, correct your original document by summarizing or paraphrasing these words/phrases into your own words. Work with the SLC or Writing Lab if you need assistance. This will reduce the copied material (and the Matching Index Score) prior to the official submittal in your research paper draft assignment. When completed, proceed to Step 3 and submit your corrected/updated draft before the due date.

Again, your official submittal MUST NOT exceed the 24% score to receive credit for your work. To submit your ungraded submittal to TurnItIn, click on the link “Step 2: Preview Draft Paper”. Follow TurnItIn instructions carefully to submit your paper.

Step 3: Due in Lesson 6
Submit a draft of your research paper. The draft should represent about 80% of the final paper. Material for all sections must be addressed. To submit your draft, click on the link “Step 3: Submit Draft Paper”. Follow TurnItIn instructions carefully to submit your paper.

Step 4: Due in Lesson 14
Submit your Final Research Paper. The draft should represent about 80% of the final paper. Material for all sections must be addressed. To submit your final paper, click on the link “Step 4: Submit Final Research Paper”. Follow TurnItIn instructions carefully to submit your paper.

Step 1: Due in Lesson 2 Submit Organization Name and Management/Leadership Overview.

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