******Start of a new class*******MPA/593 Public Administration Applied Project


******Start of a new class*******MPA/593 Public Administration Applied Project


Hi! Please see assignment below. Can you have this to me by Saturday 7/10/2021? Please be sure to include an introduction and conclusion. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you kindly!

Project Proposal
Assignment Content
In Week 1, you researched various public policy issues within your state or local government organization. Each week you will work on one of those issues and research it more to determine possible solutions and develop a proposal. This week you will narrow your focus.
Select one of the three public policy issues identified in your Week 1 assignment after reading your weekly reading assignments.
Write a 750- to 1,000-word initial proposal regarding how you will change the public policy issue. In your proposal:
Identify the internal and external environments that influence your plan’s process.
Analyze the effect that these environments have on the success of your policy plan.
Elaborate on the various benefits of implementing a change through this public policy issue.
Identify any ethical considerations that must be acknowledged before the project may begin.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines, including double spacing. Proofread thoroughly. Grammar counts! Cite your references in proper APA format.

******Start of a new class*******MPA/593 Public Administration Applied Project

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