

Answer the following questions:

1. Does the content of the assignments contribute to your understanding of the subject? Explain.

2. Are the assignments challenging or not? Explain.

3. Are the assignments materials phrased clearly?  

4. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in the following:

    A. Abstract

    B. Introduction:

         Writing a hook, identifying the problem you try to solve in your essay, explaining the purpose of your essay, recognizing the audience, framing a thesis         


    C. Historical Background

    D. Body Paragraphs:

         Writing a topic sentence, providing support, incorporating ideas of different authors (summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting), using transitions, writing a     

          concluding sentence.

    E. Writing a refutation paragraph. Dealing with the opposing viewpoints.

    F. Creating an argument. Understanding how people in opposing sides respond to each other.

    G. Conclusion: writing recommendations, warnings, asking rhetorical questions, concluding with quotes.

5. What course objectives have you achieved?

Critical thinking skills:

I. identifying the main claim, purpose, audience, and style of the article, speech.

II. showing what your position is and writing your own claim (thesis statement).

III. writing an effective Introduction, Historical Background, and Conclusion

IV. topic sentences and concluding sentences

V.  using transitions

VI. acknowledging other people’s ideas; writing a Refutation Paragraph.

6. Explain what you learned about yourself working on the World view Project.

7. Explain what you learned working on the Ted Talk project.

8. What did you learn about induction and deduction?

9. What did you learn about types of claims (three claims)?

10. What did you learn about values and needs of your audience?


Answer the questions and provide the definitions for the terms:

1. What should be included in an Abstract?

2. What are effective strategies to introduce an essay? Name five or more strategies.

3. What should be included in the body paragraph?

4. Explain what argumentative essay is.

5. What is the difference between the argumentative essay and the expository essay?

6. Explain what the structure of the argumentative essay is.

7. Fallacy. Provide the definition.

8. Three or more examples of fallacies.

9. Aristotelian techniques:

    A.  Pathos. Provide the definition.

    B. Provide one or two examples with the emotional appeal (pathos).

    C. Ethos. Provide the definition. 

    D. One or two examples with the ethical appeal (ethos)

    E. Logos. provide the definition.

    F. One or two examples with the logical appeal (logos).

10. Explain the main points of the Stasis theory.


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