Review the following 2 cases separately.
Seaton v. TripAdvisor
Pietrylo v. Hillstone Restaurant Group
Textbook:CybersecurityLaw,Standards and regulations2nd edition by Tari Schreider
Libertity UniversityLibrary
Course BMIS570
1. State the facts of the case
What happened in this case?
Who are the parties?
What motivated the parties to take this action?
List the facts by level of importance.
2. Discuss the Issue:
Discuss the issues or problems presented by the case. The legal issue is the question of law on which resolution of the case turns. An issue should be presented in the form of a question. While most cases revolve around a legal issue, you should also consider issues of public policy, values in conflict, and practical reality.
For example, a case study involving abortion might involve the following issues:
o Legal: Is abortion legal? If so, under what circumstances?
o Public Policy: Should abortion be legal? Why or why not?
o Values in Conflict: Which value is more important, a woman’s right to privacy or an unborn child’s right to life? Why? o Practical: What are the options open to someone faced with an unwanted pregnancy? Where can someone in this situation go for help and advice?
3. Discuss the Arguments: Now that you have defined the facts and issues, develop and discuss the arguments that can be made for each of the various points of view. For example, what are the arguments, both Pro and Con, for each point of view, which side provides the most compelling argument, and why, and what are the consequences?
4. Conclusion: Each of these cases has a court ruling. Do you agree with the court’s decision (why or why not?). From a Christian prospective, how does this decision impact Christianity and society? If the impact is negative, what recommendations would you make to overcome that impact?
Class, please find attached files below that are related to the development of the weekly “Case Analysis” assignment. Please read through all the files (some are from the Online classroom, others are supplemental information to enhance your understanding of elements that can be in a Case Study and how to develop). Please review this information thoroughly and utilize it to develop your Case Study. You can still be creative in your research and writing of the Case Study, but, there are some fundamental elements that should be incorporated into the development of yo
Review the following 2 cases separately.
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