could u give him some comments and help like these comments that he gave me he gave me these comments:Second paragraph: I would recommend changing “But then again,” to just “Then again”. I’m pretty sure starting a sentence with “But” is not correct, I am not sure thought haha.
I would just make sure your grammar and punctuation is correct, it’s just a couple little things. Other then that, your paper sounds good regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. I don’t know what the requirements are for this topic, but maybe introduce how the virus has a play in racial issues!
So something similar.Victoria Gale
Professor Manzano
Cultural Anthropology
February 27, 2020
GEA1 Participant Observation Assignment
In my participant observation assignment, I will be observing how employment-based
institutions contribute to the understanding of social and cultural issues within today’s society.
Within different careers, leadership behavior tends to have a distinct impact on an employees’
job satisfaction. With that being said, the importance of understanding the organizational culture
can help prevent internal conflicts within a career. I first want to define organizational culture, it
is the shared values, beliefs, or perceptions help by employees within an organization or
organizational unit (Tsai, 2011). In the article Relationship between Organizational Culture,
Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction, it concludes by stating employment institutions who
utilize the importance of organizational culture were positively correlated with leadership
behavior and job satisfaction. In the article, it states an example of how it is necessary to explore
the way culture influences the behavior of employees. They provide an example of a nursing
staff and how when exploring the different cultures of the employees it in turn creates an
improved organizational outcome. All in all, I believe employment-based institutions that
understand the importance of organizational culture have an excelled rate of success within their
company. I am observing my own workplace in this project and am providing first-hand
knowledge of the importance of understanding your employees organizational culture and
contributing my thoughts of why employment-based institutions are important to understand
cultural issues.
For my participant observation assignment, I underwent observation in my workplace to
recognize the importance of understanding one’s employees’ organizational culture. I currently
hold a sales associate position working approximately 2-3 shifts a week. During those hours I
interviewed the owners and my current manager to understand what organizational culture meant
to them and why they viewed it as important in employment institutions. I specifically selected
that site because I view retail employment as a perfect opportunity to understand why social and
culture issues are prevalent in employment-based institutions.
Throughout the shifts I participated in, I observed the importance of understanding
organizational culture within employment-based institutions. In my proposal I suggested when
workplaces understand organizational culture, it can prevent internal conflicts and lead to
increased employee satisfaction. With that being said, when internal conflicts are prevented, and
employee satisfaction is increasing, the company can raise profits and improve their reputation.
One pattern I noticed when working was how accessible my owners were whenever a problem
occurred. They make it known they are here to help and here to make sure their employees feel
significant. For example, a co-worker of mine exceeded our daily sales goal and the owners
made it a point to celebrate her wins and accomplishments. In turn, when employees feel
recognized with their accomplishments they tend to excel in other areas as well. Continuing
throughout my observations, I noticed my coworker improved in her overall daily sales with the
constant reassurance and praise my owners provided. Another pattern of organizational culture I
observed within my workplace was how my owners succeeded to make all employees feel like
their religious holidays were important and respected. For example, at my work meeting this past
Sunday, the discussion on whether we should close or remain open on Easter was brought up.
My owners felt the need to acknowledge not every employee celebrates the Easter holiday. With
that being said, we all came to the conclusion we should remain open but the employees who
don’t celebrate Easter would work so the employees who do celebrate can take the time off and
spend it with their families or within their religious communities. Overall, when I observed the
many patterns of organizational culture, I was very pleased on how my workplace valued the
importance of other employees’ cultures and made employee satisfaction a priority. When I
previously stated in my proposal how companies who understand this importance have an overall
excelled success rate, I realized I observed it within my own company too. I am delighted to say
I’m proud to be employed at an employment-based institution who recognizes the significance of
understanding organizational culture.
During my shift, I observed a variety of cultural values my workplace holds. When I
think of cultural values within employment institutions, those specific values inform our
thoughts, words and actions, which help us grow and develop throughout our lives. I believe it’s
very important to implement a variety of values within a workplace so employees can become
driven and dedicated within their field. My first impression when I was observing my workplace
for cultural values, was my owner’s administered activities to boost employee satisfaction. For
example, they apply numerous problem-solving techniques which help employees to feel
innovative and satisfied, rather than worn down and incompetent. In my proposal I expressed
how observational culture is imperative in employment-based institutions because it helps boost
employee morale and satisfaction.
While I was at my workplace, I genuinely think we have a well-rounded staff that is
exceptionally diverse. We have staff from a variety of different cultural backgrounds which I
believe helps my workplace grow to understand new concepts and adapt to different forms of
retail service customs. When I reflect on the concept of diversity, I conclude that it is vital in
workplaces, specifically for employees, because it manifests itself in building an astounding
reputation for the company itself. It also leads to an increase in profitability and a variety of
opportunities for employees. When we implement a diverse workplace, we are recognizing that
different perspectives are crucial to understand.
When I ask myself if I have any remaining questions, only one really comes to mind. For
starters, I would like to contact individuals who work for our corporate office to see if they
engage in the same behavior my owners do. I would love to sit in a meeting and discuss possible
issues related with race and culture and how they will or have effectively handled any concerns
surrounding it. It’s a shame our corporate office is out of state, otherwise I would get more
closure with my assignment. For now, my owners have answered enough information for me to
get a well-rounded sense of why they feel race and culture is important within employmentbased institutions.
Field Notes
Statement: It was not appropriate for me to take notes while on the job, so I collected my notes
and decided to type them out. I did my observation during one of my 5-hour shifts (to observe
how my clients feel) and another observation while my owners and another employee was
working. (to observe owner and employee interactions and how they feel towards this subject
First impression: This may not be relevant but when I first walked in for my interview a
little over a year ago, I immediately noticed the variety of individuals that came into the
o Background knowledge: I work in a tanning salon, so at first, I really didn’t
notice many people of different races. I typically noticed only individuals of
Caucasian descent.
o Then the longer I started working there the more people of different races came
Currently: I now have established my relationship with individuals, whom at first, I
really didn’t think I would ever see in a tanning salon.
o Yes, I was stereotyping. I didn’t think much of it at first because of the kind of
business I work in.
I realized that people of different races feel extremely welcome by my staff and I,
including my owners, and they don’t ever really feel judged for coming into tan.
o While I was there, one of my regulars I see, who is of Asian descent came into
spray tan.
o I feel close enough to her to ask her a couple personal questions about how she
feels tanning in a salon.
o She stated she feels extremely welcome coming into our salon, and she never
feels out of place. The staff and I also give her the best advice for her skin tone to
help her achieve what she is looking for.
Overall, when observing how clients feel coming into tan, I noticed even if they don’t
look like they tan, or wouldn’t normally tan, to never judge them and to also hear what
they have to say. We make them feel extremely welcome.
Next, I observed the behavior of my co-workers and how my owners interact with them.
o I noticed whenever my co-worker made a rather decent sale, the owners gave
encouraging feedback to her.
o I also noticed whenever my co-worker would make a mistake, they handled it
with care and they also made my co-worker feel like they were here to help and
not punish.
My owners left after an hour and a half of me being there, but I continued to observe my
o During my observation a bed would not turn on. (The bulbs were burnt out)
o During that time frame of the bed being down a couple clients were not too
happy. As that bed was there favorite bed to be tanning in.
o My co-worker called the owners and even though they only left about an hour
ago, they turned around and came to fix the bed
Because they did this it shows they care about their location and about their employees
and client necessities.
Overall description of my store: My store is very vibrant with colors and very
attractive. I take pride in knowing my location was voted the cleanest of 4 locations my
owners take control of.
o The overall appearance of my store is welcoming and open.
o We have a seated location that is open and makes clients feel at home, it’s facing
towards our welcome desk so clients feel like they can ask questions at any time
while waiting or a bed to open up.
I think this is extremely important because I do notice if I walk into a
place and their seating area is away from their front desk, I don’t really
feel as welcome.
o We also have a variety of deals we can make with separate clients based on their
needs. It helps clients feel special and like we care, which of course we do.
This is extremely important because we do have a diverse clientele.
We cater to any income and to any gender or age.
We have separate promos for younger individuals
Just like we can make accommodations in price for people who
may not have the luxury of being considered “upper class”
Summary: I would like to add a quick summary to my note taking. I might have missed
a few opportunities due to be being on the clock, I apologize for not as much detail. It
was easier for me to observe in the moment, but it wasn’t the best idea for me to be
taking notes while on the job. I did learn a lot about my employment institution and all
the different variations we have to make everyone feel welcome and like they are at
home. I take pride in working at my location because I really do feel as if my job has an
extremely well understanding of organization culture and they really make an impact on
individuals lives. My owners really understand the importance of race and culture within
employment-based institutions and I learned a lot about my company through this
Tsai, Y. Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job
Satisfaction. BMC Health Serv Res 11, 98 (2011).
View Feedback
Second paragraph: I would
recommend changing “But then
again,” to just “Then again”. I’m pretty
sure starting a sentence with “But” is
not correct, I am not sure thought
I would just make sure your grammar
and punctuation is correct, it’s just a
couple little things. Other then that,
your paper sounds good regarding
the Coronavirus outbreak. I don’t
know what the requirements are for
this topic, but maybe introduce how
the virus has a play in racial issues!
Hope any of this helped!
Anonymous User , Mar 26 at 3:19pm
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