ou may have an intuition as to what the true MOI is for both of the sets (here, the F1 data may be helpful).

ou may have an intuition as to what the true MOI is for both of the sets (here, the F1 data may be helpful). Use that intuition to specify a MOI, and then apply the Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test using the expected proportions for that MOI to the F2 data for each site (work from Lab 03). After that, apply the Fisher’s Combined P-value Method (with lecture found in Media section of Overview page) to assess whether your intuition is correct. More specific instructions are provided in the assignment.

Follow the instructions in the file, and show your work as part of your answer. Note: DO NOT imbed tables from screen shots from websites or mobile phone pictures in your answer. Such actions impede TAs from checking the originality of your work, and points will be deducted from your overall score.

As a rough grading template, we score:

1. Two points each (a total of four) for the correct Chi-Square Goodness of Fit tests tables (including p-values) for the two F2 data sets.

2. One point each (for each site) for the correct decision about whether to reject or not reject the null hypothesis that you have the provided the correct MOI.

3. Two points for the correct calculation of the Fisher statistic, including p-value.

4. One point for the correct decision about whether to reject or not reject the null hypothesis that you specified that the MOIs are the same for each site.

5. One point for explaining whether or not your conclusion in Item #4 is consistent with your results in Item #2

ou may have an intuition as to what the true MOI is for both of the sets (here, the F1 data may be helpful).

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