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1. Choose a topic of interest. You can use your own business, your own personal experience, or something of your own interest.a. In class, we have examined a variety of topics, such as sports, academics, business and finance, politics, social activities, video games, sleep, etc.2. Choose a question that you’d like to answer about that topic.a. Remember the types of questions we can answer:i. Correlation: What is the relationship between ____ and ____ii. Regression: Can we predict ____ from _____??iii. Probability: What is the probability of ____ occurring?iv. T-tests: Do ____ and ___ differ in their levels on _____ ?v. ANOVA: Is there difference between ___, ___, and ___ in their levels of _____?3. Review literature about that topic.a. Use Google Scholar, Lynn Library resources, business websites, or peer reviewed sources to explore information about your topic.b. What have other researchers studied about this topic?c. What have they concluded about this topic?d. What still needs to be explored?e. This section needs to be 3-5 pages and include at least 2 scholarly articles.4. Formulate hypotheses based on your research.a. Develop null and research hypotheses that you plan to test.5. Collect data (at least N = 20) to test your question.6. Perform your statistical test.7. Report your results and draw conclusions.Deadlines:Deadline 1:- Turn in topic of interest and research question you’d like to explore.- Discuss ideas of how you would like to collect the data.Deadline 2:- Turn in paper outline and preliminary results.Deadline 3:- Turn in paper and speaking outline.Deadline 4:- Turn in presentationAll assignments must be turned in on Canvas. No exceptions. You must work alone.Paper and Presentation TopicYou may pick any topic you wish as long as it can be researched. This may seem a bit broad, but it allows for maximum creativity. If you need help narrowing down your topic, see me and I’ll help. Some guidelines you may want to follow… Make sure there is sufficient information on the topic. Otherwise you won’t be able to find what you are looking for. For business research, publicly-traded companies in known industries are your best bet. Understand the topic at hand. If you don’t know what you are talking about, then you won’t do a good job. Develop a good, solid literature review in advance of finding your subject. Go out and find what others are saying. Other guidelines are below.Written Presentation Guidelines for Final Project. All papers must be in APA format and follow all APA guidelines. Double Spaced 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations in APA format References Page in APA format

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