I admit that I am a more person-focused leader. When it comes to conflict I want to stop the tension before it starts. If I am honest, tension at work makes me uncomfortable. The example I am going to give is regarding a small conflict. Remember that many small conflicts are what lead to employees leaving the company or something much worse. On my team, I have one co-worker who is extremely talkative. So talkative that she cuts people off mid-conversation to make a point or if she remembers something. After a while you get used to it, however, one co-worker gets distracted by it and often loses her train of thought. While my co-worker and I were discussing something my other co-worker interrupted three times to talk about a problem she was having. As you can imagine, it is annoying and makes you wish you went somewhere else to talk. I could tell that my one co-worker was getting upset, so after the third interruption, I stood in between the two and re-centered her focus on our conversation. Here is why I did that, I had a strong feeling that she may yell at her or make a comment that will ultimately make everyone around uncomfortable. By shifting her focus I was giving her the non-verbal cue that our conversation was more important than starting an argument. It worked like a charm. I am not the manager or a supervisor, so I believe that my place is to diffuse situations in ways that are creative and not disciplinary since that is not my place.