In this lesson, you will finish planning your classical argument work by developing an outline.? You already have your claim statement and reasons it is tr



In this lesson, you will finish planning your classical argument work by developing an outline. 

  • You already have your claim statement and reasons it is true. 
  • Now you will complete your research so that you understand and can rebut the most likely counterargument. 
  • Then, you will create an outline. 
  • Make sure you have completed Lessons 1-3 before beginning your outline.


  • (6 min.) If your instructor has given you permission to find some sources online, this video will help you choose wisely.


  • In The Writer’s Mindset
    • “FAQ Finding Research from Mulitple Viewpoints” p. 438-439
    • “Creating an Outline” p. 441
    • “Selecting Evidence to Support Reasons ” p. 442-444
  • work


  • Before you begin your outline, return to the Lesson 2 Forum and read your classmates’ replies. Check for feedback from your instructor as well.
  • Remember that you need four academic sources using the OCCC library. 
    • You may use .gov or .edu sites, etc.  IF your professor says you may do so. 
    • You need three sources that provide support for your position and at least one that explains or presents a counterargument.
    •  if you need help finding sources. 
    • Using the Notetaking Form will help you understand and take notes on your sources.
  • Lesson 4 Individual Assignment: Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.
  • Read the instructions above write on use the instruction upload together with this instruction and answer  the questions below 

Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.

  1. Complete your research for the Classical Argument.
  2. Use the document: Outline for Classical Argument (in the Lesson 4 Instructions tab) to create an outline for your Classical Argument. The outline must be complete. Partial outlines will only receive partial credit. 
  3. Upload your outline here.

In this lesson, you will finish planning your classical argument work by developing an outline.? You already have your claim statement and reasons it is tr

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