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What is the time value of money? Explain with an example.
Define sunk and opportunity costs with an example.
Consider the case where a tentative cost estimate of building a 600 MW diesel power plant is required. According to historical data, a 200 MW plant cost $100M 20 years ago when the approximate cost index was 400 and now the approximate cost index is 1200. Based on the cost capacity factor of 0.79, what is the tentative (expected) cost estimate of the 600 MW plant?
A-City is planning to install many mini still structures within the campus. Three companies have provided their quotes for the job with below variable and fixed costs. Up to 20,000 units per year, determine what range of supply (annual supply) each quotation would be suitable for. Provide a justification for your answer
Quotation A: has an annual variable cost of $20 with an annual fixed cost of $100000

Quotation B: has an annual variable cost of $5 with an annual fixed cost of $200000

Quotation C: has an annual variable cost of $7.50 with an annual fixed cost of $150000

$5000 is owed and must be repaid in 5 years, together with 8% annual interest. There are four different plans for debt repayment. (20pts)
Plan 1 (Constant Principal): $1000 will be paid at the end of each year plus the interest due at the end of the year for the use of money to that point.
Plan 2 (Interest Only): only the interest due is paid each year, with no principal payment.
Plan 3 (Constant Payment): five equal end-of-year payments of $1252 each.
Plan 4 (All at Maturity): no payment is made until the end of Year 5, when the loan is completely repaid.
What is the total end-of-year payment for each plan?

Jackson intends to purchase a mini hut that is expected to be worth 10k in six years. Assuming that the hut’s value increases by 8% annually, how much should Jackson pay now?
Always draw the cash flow first!

What amount do you need to deposit now into an account earning 4.5% every four months if you need $45,000 at the end of 8 years?
Based on the syllabus covered in Modules 1 and 2 (Time Value of Money, Estimating Eng Cost, Estimating Eng Cost Handout, Interest & Equivalent, Interest & Equivalent, Equivalence for Single Cost, Equivalence for Single Cost), Develop ONE question on your own and provide the solution (Question could be on any topic within Modules 1 &2, must be unique, not borrowed from any resources)

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