Imagine you are a special education teacher. You have been asked by your principal to develop an IEP for one of the 5 student profiles below.
Use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement as guides to understand scoring.
Consider how you will ethically use assessment data and protect the student’s privacy.
Develop an IEP specifically designed to meet the needs of the selected student. Your report should be a minimum of 700 words.
Use the state-specific IEP form on your state department of education website or another IEP form approved by your instructor.
Include the following on your student’s IEP:
Student information
Student performance and prior learning experience
Special instructional considerations
Annual goals and benchmarks
Supplementary aids, such as assistive technology and related services to support varied student learning needs
Communication and language demands
Special education placement
Special services
Transition services
Modifications and accommodations for the learner
Transferral of rights
Recommended instructional and/or behavioral interventions
IEP development team