– I went over the format for this assignment

– I went over the format for this assignment

-Introduction paragraph

-Respond to each question in the assignment each with an APA heading.


-Reference – APA style

– with 3 references peer reviewed at least and book source

-an example of the concept.

Module 10: Discussion

Decentralized Operations

Sherry Smith is the president/CEO of Tiller Components. She founded the firm and has led it to become an industry leader in the area of automobile manufacturing components and parts. The company has plants in over 35 areas across the country. Smith is finding that she cannot manage and stay on track with things the way she was able to in the past.

Discuss the decision-making approaches (centralized and decentralized) that you might use if you were the CEO of Tiller Components and how this would affect the different local and regional managers.

What activities would be conducted centrally and which would you decentralize?
How would the shifts in this method of decision-making and management that you suggest impact the company overall?
Further, how can the use of analytical tools assist Smith with better understanding how each of her divisions and segments are performing?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

– I went over the format for this assignment

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