I need some advice on a project I am working on.
There are 4 parts to this paper.
Part 1a
Your task for this section is to find 3 recent news articles (must have a publication date of January 1, 2023- Today) about your specific crime that you wrote about in Paper 2. Use local and if needed national news sources (but NOT international). The focus is to zero in on crime stories that happened in the United States. If you pick a story that happened outside of the US, the grade for the summary will be a zero. Examples of local news sources for MN would include sources like Star Tribune, KSTP, Fox9news, MPR, MinnPost, Kare11, etc. National news sources would include sources like CNN, FOX, NBC, or ABC. Please try and find articles in your selected community or close to it. Please do not use government reports, the focus is looking at news outlets, not government agencies. The articles should be about separate occurrences of the crime. This means that the articles are about different incidents of the crime involving different offenders, victims, locations, etc. Try and find news articles that are at least a page in length.
You can use the library to search for news articles and set the date parameters.
If you go to the library home page, https://www.metrostate.edu/library and write your topic in the search bar at the top, you will see the results page.
On the left hand side of the screen, you will see resource type and under this you will see newspaper search. Click on this and then you can select the date range, for example 2020- 2020.
I put the topic of “Driving Under the Influence” and took some screen shots, so you can see it. At the very bottom left, you will see a hyperlink to “newspaper search.”
and then on the left hand side you can add date options as a filter.
Please make sure you check the date of when the article was published as these need to be recent (dated Janaury 1, 2023- today) articles.
For each article, summarize in a well-developed paragraph what the crime incident was about. Cite it in APA in the text and in the reference list.
Part 1b
After you summarize the articles, you will then summarize what are the general messages that are being sent related to this crime. Do the stories focus more about the crime, the offender, the victim, the CJ response, etc. How is the crime being presented in the media? This should be at least one- well developed paragraph.
Part 2
In this section you will write your own article about the crime topic that could be published in a local newspaper.
Start with a catchy title.
The article will be factual and will be designed to inform the community about your crime. Please do NOT make up a fake crime story. You are not reporting on a real or fake crime incident. You are simply writing an information piece about your crime that you you think the general public should know. So for example, what is the scope of the crime, what are signs to look out for, what are prevention tactics, what can or is being done to respond, etc. If you make up a fake crime story this section will not be graded and you will be asked to redo it. Somewhere in your article you should incorporate at least one reference that was not used anywhere else in this paper. Don’t forget to give your article a title.
The article that you write should be one page.
Part 3
Watch 1 video (it does not have to be specific to your community) that is at least 12 minutes in length and was published anytime between 2017- today. Please watch NON-fiction related videos to include documentaries, news reports, lectures, talks from professionals, Ted Talks, etc. Please do not include video clips that are short (less than 12 minutes). Also, body camera video or dash cam video of one crime situation would not be a good choice, please do not select a police video. If you do or your video is less than 12 minutes or older than 2017, it will not count towards this assignment and this entire section will not be graded. If you are not sure your video is a good one, you can send me at least 5 days before it is due, and I will let you know.
A good starting point to find videos is:
Ted Talks. https://www.ted.com/search?q=Criminal+Justice
Our library. We have access to many videos on-line. Visit http://www.metrostate.edu/msweb/resources/library/booksearch.html You can stream videos from Films on Demand or Kanopy Streaming for free.
Youtube. https://www.youtube.com. (Please use this resource wisely and be selective, not all videos here are of good quality.)
After you watch the video, please do the following.
Cite the video in APA that you watched and include its length of time.
Summarize the key message(s) from the video as it relates to your crime topic. Be specific. This should be about half a page. Label this “Summary of Key Messages.”
Relate what you saw in the video to something you already learned about in your other courses and/or through your professional experience, volunteerism, or internship. Be specific in describing what that link is and why it is important to consider when examining your crime and coming up with solutions to your crime problem. You are also permitted to bring in additional sources, like statistics or a recent news articles (other than the ones you identified in Part 1) that further extends the conversation about the messages in the video. This should be about a 1/2 a page. Label this “Connection of Information.”
Discuss how information for this video can be used for program or policy development to respond to your crime. This should be a well developed paragraph or two. This is new information, not a summary of what was provided, but how you can see this is applied to other areas, programs, etc. Label this “Policy/Program Development.”
Part 4
You will be doing a short annotated bibliography. You will find 5 empirical studies via our library about your crime. If you can find studies related to your crime and community, that is great, but that is not a requirement. When you search for articles via the library, just search by the name of the crime. The articles need to be empirical. If you don’t know what an empirical study is, please watch this short video.
The date of publication should be 2017 or newer. Your objective is to find recent studies that have been done on your crime topic. The article does not have to be specific to your location, but should have occurred in the United States. The focus is finding studies that were conducted in your crime topic in the United States. For each article, you will do the following:
Add a subheader for each one (for example, Empirical Study 1, Empirical Study 2, …)
In the topic sentence, the article should be correctly referenced in APA.
Summarize in your OWN words the purpose, methods, and findings of each study. Each summary will be one paragraph and include a in-text citation of the article. Don’t forget to include information about the methods of the researchers came to their conclusions.
Evaluate if you think this source can be helpful for you for Paper 5 or Paper 6. This means you will need to review what Paper 5 and Paper 6 will require. Explain in a few sentences how you think this source could be helpful and why. Be specific in which section (s) of Paper 5 or 6 this can be used.
If you don’t think there is any use for the source you summarized, then pick another article that will be useful in some way.
If the articles are not empirical, are not found via the library, are outside the date range or conducted outside the Untied States, the grade for that summary will be a zero.
The format of Paper 3 will include the following sections:
Cover Page- if you have a partner, both names should appear on the cover page.
Part 1a
News Article 1- Include an in-text citation of the article. The summary should be in your own words. Please do not include any verbatim quotes. Paraphrase, while still citing.
News Article 2- Include an in-text citation of the article. The summary should be in your own words. Please do not include any verbatim quotes. Paraphrase, while still citing.
News Article 3- Include an in-text citation of the article. The summary should be in your own words. Please do not include any verbatim quotes. Paraphrase, while still citing.
Part 1b- a paragraph of overall messaging.
Part 2- This will be the article you write. Start with a title of the article. This will be a page.
Part 3- This will include the following sections:
Summary of Video. This should be 1/2 page.
Connection of Information. This should be 1/2 page.
Program and Policy Development. This should be one-two well developed paragraphs.
Part 4:
Article 1- paragraph summary & a few sentences of the usefulness of study, specifically identifying where you will use it Paper 5 or Paper 6.
Article 2- paragraph summary & a few sentences of the usefulness of study, specifically identifying where you will use it Paper 5 or Paper 6.
Article 3- paragraph summary & a few sentences of the usefulness of study, specifically identifying where you will use it Paper 5 or Paper 6.
Article 4- paragraph summary & a few sentences of the usefulness of study, specifically identifying where you will use it Paper 5 or Paper 6.
Article 5- paragraph summary & a few sentences of the usefulness of study, specifically identifying where you will use it Paper 5 or Paper 6.
Conclusion- one paragraph
Group Work- if you worked with a partner, please include what you each did.
References – 3 news articles properly cited in APA with a publication dated January 1 1, 2023 until today, 1 video reference dated 2017 until today, and 5 empirical sources dated 2017 until today found via the library. If your sources are outside the date parameters or from a non-news source, or from outside the US, the grade for that portion will be a zero.
The entire write-up will be about 5-6 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins.
Be sure your paper includes sub-headers.
The references should be properly cited in APA.
Please see Paper 3 rubric for how you will be graded.need some advice on a paper I am working on.
I need some advice on a project I am working on.
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