I need help with my python homework


This assignment helps you practice with “classes”. Read the book for guidance: Chapter 15 and Chapter 17.I’ve written another version of the album database (from Homework 5), this time using a class to represent an album. The class keeps track of the album’s artist, title, year, and a list of ratings. Your task is to write this class. The rest of the code should remain unchanged.Here is the code. Refer to the comments in the code for an explanation of your task. Also see the expected output below in the word document:your solution should reproduce this output.
import pickle
import os
import statistics
Your class definition goes here. Name the class Album.
Notice how the class is used in the code below
(which functions exist, etc.).
You must not create any new variables outside the class;
the purpose is to create a class only, no extra code.
Make sure your code recreates the example output below.
def get_rating(album):
rating = float(input(“Enter rating: “))
def get_album():
artist = input(“Artist: “)
title = input(“Album title: “)
year = int(input(“Album year: “))
album = Album(artist, title, year)
return album
if os.path.exists(“albumsHW08.pkl”):
with open(“albumsHW08.pkl”, “rb”) as f:
albums = pickle.load(f)
albums = []
while True:
print(“Albums in database:”)
for i in range(len(albums)):
print(“===== %d =====” % i)
print(“Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an
answer = input(“Command: “)
if answer == “new”:
elif answer == “rate”:
idx = int(input(“Enter album # from list above: “))
if idx < 0 or idx >= len(albums):
print(“Bad #”)
with open(“albumsHW08.pkl”, “wb”) as f:
pickle.dump(albums, f)
Example output:
Albums in database:
Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an album.
Command: new
Artist: Nicolas Jaar
Album title: Cenizas
Album year: 2020
Enter rating: 5.0
Albums in database:
===== 0 =====
Nicolas Jaar – Cenizas (2020), 1 ratings, 5.00 avg rating
Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an album.
Command: new
Artist: Talk Talk
Album title: Laughing Stock
Album year: 1991
Enter rating: 4.7
Albums in database:
===== 0 =====
Nicolas Jaar – Cenizas (2020), 1 ratings, 5.00 avg rating
===== 1 =====
Talk Talk – Laughing Stock (1991), 1 ratings, 4.70 avg rating
Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an album.
Command: rate
Enter album # from list above: 0
Enter rating: 4.5
Albums in database:
===== 0 =====
Nicolas Jaar – Cenizas (2020), 2 ratings, 4.75 avg rating
===== 1 =====
Talk Talk – Laughing Stock (1991), 1 ratings, 4.70 avg rating
Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an album.
Command: rate
Enter album # from list above: 0
Enter rating: 3.9
Albums in database:
===== 0 =====
Nicolas Jaar – Cenizas (2020), 3 ratings, 4.47 avg rating
===== 1 =====
Talk Talk – Laughing Stock (1991), 1 ratings, 4.70 avg rating
Type new to enter a new album, type rate to rate an album.
Command: quit

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