HSV400 – Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Services


A friend of yours is curious about what it is like to be a human services professional. They asked you to describe the work you do, the types of clients you see, and what your responsibilities are. Here is your opportunity to highlight what you have learned this week about the responsibilities a human services professional has to their clients, the agency they work for, and the human services profession. Instructions: For this assignment, you will respond to the following:

• Choose a role within human services that is of interest to you (e.g., case manager, HSP specialist, child welfare advocate, etc.) and describe the work you would do for your friend.

• Explain the types of clients you would see in that role. • Detail the responsibilities you have to:

o The clients you see in that role. o The agency you are employed with. o The human services profession.

• Discuss the ways you mitigate risk as a helping professional.


• Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages. • Written in APA format with at least two resources, one of which must be the ACA

Code of Ethics or the NOHS Standards). • A title and reference page are required.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

HSV400–Ethical and Legal Issuesin Human Services Unit4Assignment:Helping Professional Responsibilities

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 4 Assignment

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