headlines from news from North Carolina. Select a public issue [“Ripped from the Headlines”] to use in analyzing the ethical communication surrounding a contemporary issue, draw upon class discussions and readings.


headlines from news from North Carolina. Select a public issue [“Ripped from the Headlines”] to use in analyzing the ethical communication surrounding a contemporary issue, draw upon class discussions and readings. You should take a stand regarding the communication (how is it ethical, or not), citing specific evidence as support, and drawing upon the current week’s theoretical contributions to our learning to construct an argument.


1. Introduce yourself. Latonia Carter


2. Introduce the specific example, case, etc. on the topic you have selected in a clear and engaging way. Specifically, tell the audience why this example is relevant, important, and therefore worth their attention.


3. Summarize the example in a coherent and organized fashion. This includes:


A clear summary of the example that proceeds in logical order

A clear statement of how the example or case relates to the topic under discussion (be very sure that it connects to the reading for the assigned day).

A summary of some significant and interesting features of it.

4. Draw on the relevant class readings to support your position in your talk. This includes:


Making reference to the readings to help support what you are saying about the example you have chosen.

Conversely, you could use your example to challenge something in the readings.

Be sure to make explicit connections (e.g. Page numbers, quotes, key concepts). We all know that a robbery may not be considered ethical; give us depth and specificity.

5. Conclude your talk with a summary of what you have said:


Summarize again why it is important for your audience to consider this website, reading or issue

Summarize the key points you want to leave with your audience

6. Pose a concluding question for the audience to discuss, as a way of continuing the conversation.

headlines from news from North Carolina. Select a public issue [“Ripped from the Headlines”] to use in analyzing the ethical communication surrounding a contemporary issue, draw upon class discussions and readings.

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