Global Civil Society and Citizenship

“Global Civil Society and Citizenship” Essay Guidelines Overview The essay assignment requires you to study a non-governmental organization (NGO) that focused on a global concern, such as the environment, gender equality, cultural diversity, peace and security, human rights, humanitarian relief, etc. You will survey and select the NGO of your study, and compose an essay that consists of its core mission and objectives, major actions, and an assessment (including approvals and criticisms) on the organization or its work. Format • Length: 1,500-1,600 words without the list of references. A cover page is not necessary. Please include the word count (excluding the list of references) at the end of your essay. • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font and one-inch all-around margins. Double space and number all pages. • References o Please consult at least 3 publications that are of good credibility. At least two of them have to be academic publications (e.g. peer-reviewed books and journal articles), while the others can be of any type (news reports, government or thinktank reports, etc.). o For non-academic publications, such as newspaper or internet articles: ▪ The minimal criterion for credibility is real authorship. Any written product without indicating its real author would have credibility issue, though the information might be accurate. This is why you should not 1 include sources from social media, online encyclopedias, or content mill websites. If it is a credible article reposted to those above types of platform, find the original source of the article and cite it properly. o Quotation: The total wordcount for direct quotes in your essay should not exceed 150 words. Excessive quotation will make your work appear nonoriginal, which will very likely lower your grades. Plagiarism check will be enabled. o In-text citation: Use author-date citation in the body of your essay. The Chicago style is preferred, but you could adopt a different style and should keep the formatting consistent across your work. ▪ E.g. (Carr 1990, 20) o Use the same style from your in-text citations to create the list of references. ▪ Only include the bibliographical information of the works that are cited in your essay in the list of references. This is not meant to be your reading list. ▪ E.g. Carr, Edward Hallet. 1990. What Is History? Edited by R. W. Davies. 2nd ed. New York: Vintage. Required Components – Your essay must be your own original work with these substantive components 1. A good title to the essay and proper headings (and subheadings) in the body of the essay 2. The “thesis” of your essay • A thesis is the most important message that you want your reader to take away from reading your work. It is equal to your core argument, and should be supported coherently by the rest of your essay. Usually, the thesis is placed in the introductory section of your essay for the first time it appears. 3. In 400 words, (a) describe the core mission(s) and objective(s) of the NGO. 4. In 1,000-1,100 words, (b) describe 1 or 2 specific actions of the NGO, and (c) provide a literature-based assessment as a critical evaluation on the NGO’s work described in (a) and (b). • An action here can be a project or an organized operation that was carried out 2 in a place and an identifiable period of time, or some specific task performed constantly as an essential feature of the NGO. An NGO usually has taken many actions and conducted multiple operations in various fields. You may discuss one or two of them, and they must be (i) well summarized to highlight the core mission/objectives in the previous section, and (ii) pertinent to your discussion on the assessments in the following section. o It is recommended to provide relevant information on and/or the actual cases of the work the NGO has done. For example, if the NGO is one that provides humanitarian and medical aids in warzones, offer information on the context of the wars and the humanitarian conditions there, so that the reader can better understand the actual work to which the NGO is committed. • The assessment having to be “literature-based” means that you should discuss how other authors, instead of you, have examined the NGO and/or its work. The goal is to present a critical evaluation on your NGO and what it is about. o For example, if the NGO launched a campaign rescuing an individual under political persecution, and there were comments published on credible outlets coming from diverse and even opposite positions with regard to the sovereignty principle, legitimacy and support, diplomatic conflicts, resource and feasibility of the action, and so on, then a critical evaluation can take the form that you select and synthesize these comments in ways you develop with the concepts and skills you have acquired from this INTS course. o Please present at least two largely different (though not necessarily opposite) viewpoints and use a neutral tone in your writing. 5. In the last 100 words, much likely in your concluding paragraphs, state your own opinion or evaluation on something discussed in the assessment section. Recommended Resources NGO Directory by World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (an NGO itself as well): UN NGO Branch Auraria Library – International Studies 3 Appendix II Grading Rubric for “Global Civil Society and Citizenship” Essay Criteria Points Topic/thesis The topic of the essay fits the criteria stated in the syllabus. 10 The paper has a thesis clearly presented in the introductory section of the essay. 15 Analysis, Coherence and Support The paper contains the required components. 10 The paper demonstrates critical thinking with theory-informed analyses. 25 The paper’s flow of argumentation maintains consistency and lead to the thesis. 25 The paper includes appropriate examples and/or cases as evidence for supporting its argumentation. (Quality of references will be evaluated under this.) 25 Style and Mechanics The writing style generally contributes to the strength of the paper. 10 Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and appropriate paragraph/section arrangements are used. 10 The paper complies with appropriate sourcing conventions for quotes, notes, and citations 10 The paper complies with all the formatting requirements. 10 Total 150 Note: Plagiarism (including AI-generated texts) will incur heavy grades deduction and further penalization. Verify your draft for completely original writing before final submission. 4

Global Civil Society and Citizenship

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