Foundations of Race, Racialization, and Racism Paper
In this 3pp essay, students will summarize their understanding of the foundations of race, racialization, and racism, in the U.S. Students must draw on the readings from Weeks 1-5 of the syllabus.
Use the following questions to guide your thinking about and drafting of this paper. There is no need to address these questions directly; they will help you direct your thinking and lead you to a thesis around which you will organize your essay. Keep in mind that you are summarizing all of the course content in Weeks 1-5, not focusing on an individual reading. To do that, it might be helpful to consider the following questions:
- What are the important or noteworthy elements about race, racialization, and racism in the U.S.? How are they connected?
- How do the authors present their ideas on these topics?
- What patterns or strands run through the content, and influence your understanding of these topics?
- What content stands out, and influences your understanding of these topics?
- What did you learn about race, racialization, and racism in the U.S. that you did not know before engaging the course content? What content reaffirmed your understanding?
- Include a catchy title that will entice your reader.
- State the ideas being considered, and make it interesting in order to draw the reader into your essay.
- The goal should be to give the reader insight into the content. You might group aspects of different readings into categories, and provide examples from the content in those categories. You might focus on one primary strand across the content, and then provide multiple examples to illustrate the strand.
- Restate your introduction and goals for your essay.
- Stress a point that you feel is particularly important, e.g., a major takeaway or several major takeaways.
We will grade your essay based on the following criteria:
Strong thesis statement
Strength of the summary
Organization of the essay
Sufficient examples used to support argument
Spelling and grammar
Assignment passed the SafeAssign Plagiarism Check
Things to know:
- The essay should be typed in a size 12 font like Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins.
- No cover page is necessary, but please create a header/footer with your name and page numbers.
- Include a bibliography, remember to correctly cite all quotes, and give credit when referring to an authors’ ideas.
Foundations of Race, Racialization, and Racism Paper
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