Explain what the independent variable(s) (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DV)


Choose a study in Part II: Analysis of Experiments of the text (starting on p. 139). Be sure to identify the study by name in your post. Then, in your post:

· Explain what the independent variable(s) (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DV) are in the study you chose

· For the IV, identify what is was and how it was selected or manipulated by the experimenter

· For the DV, identify what it was and how it was operationalized for the study

· Describe how the experimenter(s) prevented or overcame at least one threat to internal validity. Be sure to state the name of the threat that they overcame (see the first lecture in Module 3.1).

· Is there a potential threat to construct validity specific to experimental designs (see the second lecture in Module 3.1)? Why or why not.

Response Parameters
Initial Responses
· Responses should integrate class material in the assigned readings and/or lectures (include in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format)

· You may also include credible outside sources (e.g., from peer-reviewed journals) within your responses, but these sources should not come at the expense of integrating class materials

The book is

MacLin, M. K. (2020).

MacLin, M. K. (2020).

Experimental design in psychology: A case approach

(9th ed.). Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0367808280

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