EAB4795 Senior Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis


Watch “Episode 16: Ethics Code Update: Section 1, Responsibility as a Professional” (BACB Podcast) [26 min.], below.

Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx

based on the podcast episode.

Note that the episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2 in the lecture engagement summary, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 changes that you noticed within the code.

EAB4795 Senior Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis
Lecture Engagement: Written Summary
Student Name:

Date Completed:

Student ID:

Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph.

1. What was the main point of the video/podcast?

2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points.

3. What did you learn from the video/podcast?

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