Describe decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally. (C.L.O :1.1)

  1. Describe decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally. (C.L.O :1.1)
  2. Define different perspectives and concepts of problem solving in diverse contexts and business situations. (C.L.O :1.2)
  3. Demonstrate decision tools and employ appropriate analytical business models to break down complex issues. (C.L.O :2.2)


Assignment Instructions for Part-I:

  • Log in to Saudi Digital Library (SDL) via University’s website
  • On first page of SDL, choose “English Databases”
  • From the list find and click on EBSCO database.
  • In the search bar of EBSCO find the following article:

Title: Case Study: When the CEO Dies, What Comes First: His Company or His Family?”

Author: by C. Maria Rex Sugirtha

Date of Publication:September 1, 2023

Published: Harvard Business Review


Assignment Question(s):(Marks 10)

Read the case study titled as “Case Study: When the CEO Dies, What Comes First: His Company or His Family?” by C. Maria Rex Sugirtha published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions:

  • Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 2]
  • Identify the causes of problem based on the following techniques?[Marks 3]
  • Develop a mind map for decision making, [2 Marks]
  • Write all the alternative choices of your decision.[Mark 1]
  • Make a decision and write the conclusion.[Marks 2]
  • Cause of the problem- 5 Why Technique
    • Why-1
    • Why-2
    • Why-3
    • Why-4
    • Why-5

Describe decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally. (C.L.O :1.1)

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