Complete the worksheet to analyze The Strange Situation case study and apply child development theory to the scenario.
From studying the impact of poverty on an infant’s learning, to investigating peer pressure in fifth-grade children, research plays a pivotal role in helping us understand the factors that most impact children’s growth and development. It is important to consider the many inherent challenges in conducting research with children, including topics such as ethical considerations, the need for parental consent, the requirement for child assent, and the many logistical issues encountered when working with such young participants.A variety of different theoretical frameworks present different perspectives on children’s development. Some theories, such as Piaget’s theory, focus primarily on the child’s cognitive development. Other theorists, such as Bronfenbrenner, tried to understand the influence of multiple social environments and political structures on children’s growth. At the end of this assessment, you may find that you appreciate certain aspects of each theory. You will want to keep these theories in mind as you work through the course and study child development during the early and mid dle years.Note: Because the assessments in this course move progressively through periods of child development, you are encouraged to complete them in sequential order, 1-5.Watch the video, Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love, about her research with the strange situation test. Use the Case Analysis Worksheet [DOCX] and your understanding of the case study to analyze assumptions and evidence presented in the video.To fill out the worksheet, work your way through the table of analysis components, and include your responses in the rows next to the components. There are notes in the table to help you identify what is needed in each area. As you complete the worksheet, make sure your responses accomplish the following:
Explain the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development.
Apply the presented point of view to the research findings.
Identify the video’s position or point of view. Who, or what group, is represented?
Describe the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered.
Highlight the primary arguments the author makes in regards to each category.
Apply theories of child development to the case.
Summarize and cite at least one other child development theory to apply.
Compare and contrast your selected theory with the theory within the case to explain your rationale.
Apply existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research.
Imagine recreating this research. What would you change in order to obtain stronger results?
As you write your responses, be sure to:
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.
Use Evidence and APA.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Describe physical, social, and cognitive aspects of child development.
Describe the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered.
Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to topics in child development.
Apply theories of child development to the case.
Competency 3: Apply scholarly research findings to topics in child development.
Explain the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development.
Apply the presented point of view to the research findings.
Apply existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.
Use APA format and style.
The Strange Situation Scoring Guide
Explain the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development. Does not explain the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development. Identifies but does not explain the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development. Explains the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development. Explains the main purpose for researching this phenomenon in the case and developing a theory in child development, including the link between the purpose and the research.
Apply the presented point of view to the research findings. Does not apply the presented point of view to the research findings. Identifies the presented point of view, but does not apply it to the research findings. Applies the presented point of view to the research findings. Applies the presented point of view to the research findings, showing the connection between point of view, hypothesis, and conclusions.
Describe the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered. Does not describe the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered. Identifies but does not describe the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered. Describes the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered. Describes the physical, social, or cognitive aspects of child development discovered using examples.
Apply theories of child development to the case. Does not apply theories of child development to the case. Describes theories of child development, but does not apply them to the case. Applies theories of child development to the case. Applies theories of child development to the case, and compares and contrasts two theories.
Apply existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research. Does not apply existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research. Describes a way to recreate research but does not apply existing research findings. Applies existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research. Applies existing research findings to a suggested recreation of research using examples.
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing does not support a central idea and does not employ correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains major errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing coherently supports a central idea with few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.
Use APA format and style. Does not use APA format and style. Uses APA format and style but inconsistently and with errors. Uses APA format and style consistently and with few errors. Uses correct APA format and style consistently and with no errors.
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