Collaborate on Quality: Issue Analysis & Leadership Action Plan


Collaborate on Quality: Issue Analysis & Leadership Action Plan

[Provide a brief introduction to this paper. Delete all statements within brackets, such as this paragraph, and replace with your discussion. Also, before you begin, review the “Scoring Guide” and understand the difference between “Distinguished”, “Proficient”, “Basic” and “Non-Performance”. These “Scoring Guides” are used to grade the assignment. This is why each Template is set up with headings (below) that correspond with the “Scoring Guides” for this specific assignment. Please leave the Headings (below) in the paper.]


[Explain what culture is and why it is a critical priority for safety and quality; what you know about the existing organizational culture, based on the knowledge you have about the selected issue; providing at least two evidence-based strategies for cultivating a culture of safety.]

IHI Triple Aim

[Apply the IHI Triple Aim to develop a health care leadership strategy that focuses on optimizing health care system performance. Include: What is the IHI Triple AIM? How does the IHI Triple Aim apply to this specific incident? What IHI Triple Aim elements will you incorporate into your organizational improvement strategy?]

Leadership & Collaboration Strategies
[Propose evidence-based (requires sources that support the strategies) leadership and collaboration strategies to enlist the aid of key organizational leaders in establishing a safety and quality culture. Include: Which key departments need to be directly involved with the corrective action process? What is your rationale for selecting these departments? For example, you may want to involve nursing because many of errors involve nurses and obtaining their buy-in is critical to achieving the organizational priority. Which specific senior leader, front-line staff member, and clinical expert will you include in your action plan and hold accountable for implementation? What are the implications of not engaging with all departments toward making safety and quality top of mind? How might you involve other departments in addressing the specific issue and the cultural issue? Which specific leaders within the organization could assist you in addressing this issue and in making patient safety and quality top of mind throughout the organization? Examples for you to consider include the chief nursing officer, the chief medical officer, the patient safety officer, et cetera. What role do you expect these leaders to play in addressing the specific issue and the issue of culture? What best practices would you employ to enlist their aid in the improvement effort?]

Leadership Action Plan

[Propose an evidence-based (requires sources that support the strategies) leadership action plan that includes leadership strategies to establish a safety and quality culture. What are three evidence-based leadership strategies your recommend that would help to solve the incident that occurred? What are three evidence-based best practices you recommend to address the issue on an organizational level?]

Opportunities to Enlist Governing Board
[Determine opportunities to enlist the governing board’s aid in fostering a fair and just culture. Include: What role does the organization’s governing board have in terms of quality and safety in the organization? How could you enlist the governing board’s aid in your improvement initiative? What additional information could you provide them to increase their involvement in the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts?]


[Provide a summary of your discussion.]

[Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol# (Issue#), Page numbers.

Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI or digital object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159-192. doi: 10.1000/182

Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from

NOTE: The above references are SAMPLES ONLY. For more information and example related to references, visit Capella’s Writing Center. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING APPROPRIATE IN-TEXT AND REFERENCE PAGE CITATIONS.]

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