Choose three sociological concepts (one concept from three different chapters we have read from the textbook prior to the midterm due date) and identify their roles in the PBS Frontline documentary Facing EvictionLinks to an external site. (2022), produced by Bonnie Bertram, Anne Checler, and Erik German. In each body paragraph, define your key term (or key terms), briefly describe the part of the film you will apply the term to, and then provide your analysis of how that key term applies to the film.
Basic Nuts and Bolts:
You are required to complete a five-paragraph essay that examines the relationships between sociological concepts in the course readings and what takes place in the film screened in class.
There is no minimum page limit, but the maximum length for this essay is three pages. Make sure to use double spacing, 12-point font, and one-inch margins. The challenge is to make your argument clearly and concisely within the constraints of the space allowed. Please number each page, include a formal heading, and create a title that is centered and underlined.
For your citations and bibliography, you may use MLA, APA, or Chicago style. Any of these three styles is acceptable because they are widely used across many disciplines and you may have previous experience with them. The LAVC Library has webpages for how to use any of these citation formatsLinks to an external site..
Further Resources:
Paper Structure
Paper Grading
Examples of Excellent Papers
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