Compare and contrast the three nations’ law enforcement. Each nation’s law enforcement has a different core value – The Rule of Law for American police; social harmony for Japanese police, and CCP party line for Chinese police. Elaborate on those core values respectively. How have the core values affected the development of their respective law enforcement in terms of police structure, policing style, and police-community relationship? Which of the three do you think is the most effective in fighting against the crime of your interest? If you were a citizen of that nation, would you be comfortable with that kind of police system? Why or why not? If you were a Japanese or a Chinese citizen, how would you view the law enforcement in the USA? Why do you say so?APA Format, 3 pages. No plagerism
criminal db3
What questions do you have about the pre-September 11, 2001 border controls?Read what it used to be like- Quebec Immigration to the U.S.Do you think the latest border control measures will increase national security or will terrorists and others just work around these new measures?Was there anything on the CBP website that was surprising?
Criminal db6
Consult the Customs TimelineIdentify and briefly explain TEN “milestones” in U.S. Border ControlPlease use complete sentences and answer these questions in your own words so that you can demonstrate your knowledge of the topics.Submit your final work via the Assignment folder as a WORD document12 point New Times Roman font1 inch margins all aroundIdentify your document as: LEST375_Wk11_Assign1_OBRIEN_SHERAINE
PLEASE fix this paper and add 1 page! Rehabilitation efforts over Punishment in criminal justice system.
Please help me with this paper. I need it to extend to 15 pages of content and be revised. I had two other tutors work on it, and it is a mess so I need grammatical editing and content extended by 9:30 PM EST. It should focus on rehabilitative efforts within a prison system over punishment efforts and be properly cited.1
Rehabilitative Efforts over Punishment
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Rehabilitative Efforts over Punishment
The criminal justice system possesses various government agencies and institutions that
apprehend, prosecute, defend, sentence, and punish or rehabilitate those convicted for different
criminal offenses. The main parts that comprise the criminal justice system include the law
enforcement, which is the police, the courts whose role is to prosecute and defend the suspect as
well as the collection department comprised of prisons and other probation agencies. It is the role
of police enforcement to conduct investigations and proceed to arrest a suspect. The
investigations help to provide evidence that incriminates the suspect as having engaged in an
activity that is against the law.
The courts, through the prosecutor, judge, and the defense attorney, assess the evidence
presented, and when found guilty, the suspect is sentenced and is taken up by the prisons. The
prison mainly offers correctional services through punishment or rehabilitation. In recent times,
motions on the effectiveness of rehabilitation over the punishment of convicts have gained
momentum, evoking different emotions from all the involved stakeholders. The discussion below
examines rehabilitation over punishment in the criminal justice system to determine its
effectiveness as a correctional strategy for offenders.
A criminal, just like any other human being, can change; some of them do the offenses to
save their lives, earn a living, or even save their beloved ones. Therefore, they have the right to
be heard and given time to think about their offenses. These people have senses, and they can
easily change into better people if they have the means to do so.
Every criminal is subject to any form of punishment that is stated to them in the law courts. The
judges give sentence according to the type and style of crime the defendant has. The most
preferred place for all criminals in prison. Most people think that prisons are the most secure
places for criminals. It is a place full of people with all kinds of criminal backgrounds. In
prisons, these people are given different types of punishment from time to time until their jail
sentencing is over. Sometimes punishing people is good, but punishment can only be used to
tame short term behaviors. For long term change of behavior, rehabilitation should be
considered. Rehabilitation strategies are significantly better because people in prison systems
have similar problems and they may need each other’s motivation to accept it. These means offer
counseling as well as vocational training to criminals. Rehabilitation is considered to help shape
the behaviors of most criminals. These people, in turn, become more productive and helpful in
society. There are several reasons why rehabilitation is better than punishment in the criminal
justice system:
Acquisition of new skills
The adoption of rehabilitative efforts over punishment is effective in that it offers the
convicts an opportunity to acquire new skills. Rehabilitation programs are developed in that they
aim at encouraging the convict to change their ways of life to adopt a new one that is more
beneficial than their old ways (Thompson & Alexander, 2019). Rehabilitation, therefore, focuses
on giving exposure to the convicts on some of the activities they can undertake to fend for
themselves. It is through these activities that they get an opportunity to develop new skills they
can utilize to change their life and have something to occupy their time. Some of these activities
include motor vehicle mechanism, carpentry, masonry, welding, tailoring, among others.
Gaining new skills in such areas allows the convicts to have trust in their skills and
abilities to undertake projects to completion (Thompson & Alexander, 2019). As a result, they
gradually learn to depend on their skills to get an income, which is applied once they leave the
confines of their institution. In such a case, the criminal justice system contributes to the positive
transformation of a criminal to a law-abiding citizen that is reliant on their skills to earn an
Every human being requires new skills to help him or her in life. Being an inmate does
not prohibit someone from learning new skills. Most importantly, inmates should always be
allowed the opportunity to develop new skills since after serving their jail terms they need to get
back home and make a living. To reduce the chances of a person continuing criminal acts after
serving sentencing, it is effective for an inmate to learn new skills to make themselves productive
in society. The jail terms may be long in duration which can make someone lose his or her job
opportunity hence making them unemployed after serving the punishment terms.
In other words, someone may have been punished for stealing due to luck of a proper
economic activity which generates income for his survival. Therefore, in case the person learns
new life skills, it will be easy for them to get an income generating activity which will keep them
busy, which produces reduced crime rates. Rehabilitation is, therefore, the best strategy to help
reduce crime rates within a community since it provides inmates with new skills which helps
survival and productivity after serving the rehabilitation process.
Rehabilitation basically mean making something better than it was before. Unless
someone becomes financially lucky and generates income from other means, rehabilitation will
ensure that he or she becomes equipped with necessary knowledge and the ability to develop
something to keep them busy with their time. This is another important participant of economic
development since equipping people with new skills means opening more job opportunities for
them and increasing a country’s GDP. Living standards will also improve since despite leading a
previous idle life, there is now something that generates income.
Crime deterrence
Rehabilitation of convicts plays a crucial role in crime deterrence. To undergo
rehabilitation, a convict is placed in a specially developed environment where they are under
watch by the authorities to ensure they are engaging in the recommended activities and according
to the given schedules. Being in a controlled environment means that a convict will sacrifice time
with families, and they will be limited in their rights. For example, the freedom of movement is
significantly limited as the convict has to remain within the rehabilitation center during the entire
period (Atkin-Plunk & Sloas, 2019).
A large number of people value their fundamental rights, such as freedom of movement.
They as well value spending time with their families and friends. The fact that rehabilitation
efforts deny one such a freedom, as well as time for families and friends, means that a large
number of people will be discouraged from participating in crime to continue enjoying such
rights. Therefore, as a correctional activity, rehabilitation effort in the criminal justice system is
highly effective compared to punishment.
Uphold fundamental rights
Rehabilitation efforts in criminal justice, unlike punishment efforts, help to uphold the
fundamental rights of the convicts. Rehabilitation efforts, unlike punishment, respect human
rights. For example, it is the right for all people to socialize with one another, the right to life, the
right to food and basic needs such as clothing and shelter, among others. The model adopted in
punishment denies convicts the opportunity to enjoy such rights as they are perceived as highly
dangerous and have to be contained most of the time (Welch et al, 2019). Such containment
leads to many hours in enclosed shelters where they are overcrowded, and diseases are likely to
spread faster due to such unhygienic conditions. The high population also results in the convicts
having little food.
In many cases, imprisonment tends to detriment the rights of individual since they are
subjected to harsh conditions. Every individual, whether it be an inmate or not should have his
rights upheld. However, that is not the case with punishment. In prison, there is no freedom of
movement to the inmates and most of the time they are denied the chance to meet with their love
ones which may be argued as a breach of normal human rights. However, rehabilitation efforts
often allow more human rights and freedoms when imprisoned since an individual is cooperating
with the program.
The main goal of containing someone is to ensure that the unwanted character that he or
she had previously displayed is changed. The rehabilitation process may not be as easy or as
simple as serving out one’s punishment but it serves a major purpose within prison. Apart from
changing bad habits, people come from rehabilitation programs stronger and with the ability to
continue conducting activities which will contribute to the development of the country.
Upholding the rights and privileges of inmates is one of the reason that qualifies rehabilitation to
be better over punishment in prisons.
Helps overcome debilitating acts
Rehabilitations is more effective by allowung the convicted to reflect on their life and
identify some of their weaknesses. It also offers them an opportunity to reflect on the factors that
led them to the situation they may be facing. Getting such an opportunity allows one to identify
their weakness and determine some of the strategies available to avoid undesirable outcomes.
Counseling sessions are part of the rehabilitation process, and they offer insight into ways that
can be used to address common problems (Thompson & Alexander, 2019). That way, after being
aware of their weakness, they get trained on the best way to overcome temptations to become
victims. Rehabilitation also offers an opportunity to share an experience with others undergoing
a similar problem. By sharing with others, one gets the encouragement they need to keep on
striving to improve themselves by overcoming their old ways. It is only through rehabilitation
that one overcomes their debilitating acts to become a law-abiding citizen.
Eases re-entry to the society
The adoption of rehabilitation efforts in the criminal justice system over punishment
efforts is more effective in that it eases re-entry of a convicted person to the society.
Rehabilitation, as a method of correction, is developed to allow a seamless transition to society
from the facility. It is the need to make such a process seamless that has contributed to the
construction and co-existence of rehabilitation facilities among the members of the society.
As such, the members of the society perceive people undergoing rehabilitation as part of
their society, which contributes to ease of entrance to the society after the rehabilitation session
is over (O’Hear & Wheelock, 2016). The members of the society are as well offered an
opportunity to render their services, which could be through support services, such as foodstuff
and services such as cleaning, among others. Therefore, rehabilitation efforts, unlike punishment
efforts, focus on allowing the convict and the members of the society to form a relationship that
enhances their effective interaction between them.
Reduced recidivism
Recidivism is less of an occurrence upon adopting rehabilitation efforts to deal with
convicts compared to punishment. Rehabilitation appeals to the logical abilities of the convict to
help them overcome any bitterness or sense of revenge they may have against the person that put
them in jail (Moss et al, 2019). Rehabilitation through training offers the convicts an opportunity
to express themselves to these people and interact with them in society.
The fact that they are part of the society means that they do not grow further bitterness
that would develop a deep desire for revenge. Punishment efforts, on the other hand, focus on
causing pain, which gradually builds up in a convict and creates an insatiable desire for revenge
against all the parties involved in their sentencing (Mallett, 2016). It is due to such an occurrence
that after their release, convicts under punishment are much more likely to commit the same
mistake again compared to those undergoing rehabilitation. Therefore, the adoption of
rehabilitation efforts in the criminal justice system indicate that it is more effective compared to
the punishment system as it greatly reduces recidivism.
At some point of life, not all crimes need punishments, some may just require isolation
from the public as matter of taming the behavior. In this case, taking such a person to prison may
not solve the issue. It will be very dangerous for that kind of a person to find himself being
imprisoned. Therefore, rehabilitation centers will be best despite being isolated by others as one
can still get the opportunity to learn life morals which can be effective to make life better. Every
life decision has its effects. Prison worsens the condition of the case since there is a high
likelihood that the convicted person will seek revenge upon release from the cell. Therefore,
rehabilitation centers act as the best place to make a community a better place which is fit for
Reduces over-population of prisons
Rehabilitation of convicts is highly effective in that it directly helps to reduce
overpopulation in prisons. Punishment efforts result in a large number of people being convicted
and locked up in jail (Long, 2018). One of the elements that characterize the prison sentences is
length. In most cases, the magistrate sentences convict the maximum sentence. Continuously
sentencing people to maximum imprisonments results in an increased population for inmates
who have more potential to rebel.
Eventually, the prisons become over-populated, leaving inmates without enough space. In
such situations, it is very easy for diseases to spread at a fast rate and could lead to a very high
mortality rate for the prisoners (Kirby, 2017). Therefore, the adoption of rehabilitation efforts in
handling crime helps to reduce and, at the same time, maintain the population of the inmates. As
a result, it contributes to their health as they undertake measures to ensure they are safe from
The higher the populated prisons are the more the government will spend in managing the
inmates. This can be done through hiring more prison officers as well as increasing the number
of food supply to the prisons. This means that rehabilitation centers are considered cheaper over
the prisons. All the government projects as well as plans must be cost effective to ensure that tax
payers money is rightfully managed so that all other government departments can receive enough
to conduct their activities. Prison, defined as government institutions to tame its citizen’s
behaviors, involve numerous activities that take place and all the expenses are at the cost of the
government, therefore, opting for rehabilitation centers instead of punishment is one way of
saving the government money for other sectors to enhance country’s development.
Helps to foster relationship, understanding, and forgiveness
Rehabilitation efforts in criminal justice help to promote the development of a
relationship between the convicted with family and friends and even with the complainant. It
allows these parties to interact often, which results in the development of a functional
relationship between them (Curry & Ulentin, 2017). For example, unlike punishment centers
such as prisons, interactions in rehabilitation centers are more frequent and less controlling. As a
result, children can get to visit their parents if convicted while undergoing rehabilitation. The
ability to interact with such members of the family help to foster the development of a healthy
relationship between and among them.
The children understand the circumstances and patiently wait for their guardian to finish
their sentence allowing them to re-unite after it ends. During the rehabilitation, it is very likely
that the convicted will reach out to the complainant as they will have identified their mistakes
(Atkin-Plunk & Sloas, 2019). Reaching out to such and asking for forgiveness presents better
opportunities for developing society. Therefore, unlike punishment efforts in prisons,
rehabilitative efforts towards convicts are more effective than punishment efforts.
Upon comparing prisons and rehabilitation centers, one finds that prisons encourage
grudges as well as hate among the members of the community unlike the rehabilitation centers
which brings people together. To make it worse, when the court decides to imprison the accused
or charge a high fine fee, there will never be a good relationship among the families involved
even if the accused was proven guilty. However, through rehabilitation, both families will be
happier with the process.
During the rehabilitation process, there is no form of punishment subjected to the person
regardless of the crime he is accused of performing. The criminal justice uses this kind of system
to ensure that people are molded into better citizens who would see the value in making the
society a better place for everyone. In many cases, the larger percentage of people taken to rehab
centers are youths who are considered to have a brighter future.
From the institution, youths will learn how to interact with others peacefully, create good
relationships among and be able to forgive each other in case of a wrongdoing. A rehabilitation
center in many cases is referred to as home away from home. In this place, people are taught
many life morals which help in enhancing the adaptability nature within a community. Having a
societally undesirable character may be a fault of someone, and this may affect him or her
through his or her normal day life. Therefore, it may not be easy to survive with such a character
for a longer time. To reduce stress, rehabilitation centers will help him or her do away with the
character and work towards becoming a better person.
Rehabilitation programs have an impact on the economy.
Economic growth is one of the most critical parts of a country. Focusing on punishment
is a risk factor to the nation because there is a high chance of the prisoners repeating the same
mistakes leading them to prison several times. This is a threat to the economy because the
government will need to allocate more cash to prisons. While this is a risk factor, rehabilitation
programs are significant since there are less cases of rehabilitated persons to repeat the same
mistakes. This is because in rehabilitation centers, these people are put through programs that
tame their bad behaviors, and there are low chances of them to re-offend; thus, they become
productive members of the society. These people learn new skills while in prison that they apply
once out. Several educative programs are offered in rehabilitation centers. For instance, they
learn new skills such as driving, hairdressing, and many more that they apply in society. Their
efforts are highly appreciated, thus enhancing positive relationships and economic growth.
Since rehabilitations are available, prisons receive few inmates; prison services and
therefore, become less expensive. The nation accordingly allocates the cash elsewhere, which
boosts the country’s economic development. Besides, rehabilitation services are also less costly,
thus making it easier for the nation to allocate so…
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