MEM 501 – Fundamentals of the Mineral IndustryModule6-1 Assignment – Health & Safety(35 points)The following assignment will focus various safety and health scenarios.1 . List the five safety control methods and explain the order in which they should be applied. (5 points) 2. Thinking about a mine you might have visited or have read about,list three potential hazards that might be found at that mine.What control methods might you use to reduce or eliminate the hazard? (6 points)3. You have been asked to decorate for a special safety celebration….2 years without a lost time accident!There is a large banner that is to be hung approximately 12 feet off the ground in the (maintenance shop or management office….you pick) recognizing the great accomplishment.Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis on this task. Fill out the provided JHA form (form is posted on D2L). (11 points)4. Conduct a JHA for a task (of your choice) that you have identified in your work environment or at home. What did you learn or realize from conducting the JHA? (11 points)5. If you could choose any, what would beYOUR personal safety motto? (2 points)NOTE: Please a need a good work and no PLAGIARISM please Submit your answers by the due date and save the file as a pdf before uploading to the Assignment6-1Dropbox under “Module 6” on D2L.Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.Job Hazard Analysis
(Company name and address )
Department or location:
Task or Step
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
JHA by:
Use this basic form “as is” to identify hazards, controls, and PPE at the job task (or step) level. You can modify the form to meet any
additional needs of your workplace. JHA hazard information can be used to develop separate safe work procedures for employee use.
Job: You need to first select a job (or main activity) to observe and analyze.
Tasks or Steps: List tasks or steps that are part of the job you selected in the “Task” column.
Example: “Operating a table saw” would be the job while “Installing a blade” and “Ripping” would be separate tasks.
Hazards: Note any condition in the workplace that can potentially cause occupational injury, death, or disease. Assume that no
personal protective equipment is being worn- even if it is because hazards could persist if PPE isn’t used. You may choose to add detail
about how injuries could occur due to the hazard.
Examples of hazards include: working at heights, slippery surfaces, exposed moving machinery parts, fire, explosion, noise,
electricity, toxic emissions, corrosive chemicals, low oxygen, repetitive tasks, heavy lifting, infectious Bloodborne pathogens,
assault, and homicide.
Examples of how injuries can occur: work at height can result in falls that can result in broken bones, paralysis, or death; noise
exposure can cause permanent and severe ringing in the ears and hearing loss; exposure to corrosive chemicals can cause
permanent skin damage and blindness; and working in low oxygen areas can lead to sudden suffocation, unconsciousness, and
Controls: Note how you will eliminate or minimize the hazard. This doesn’t include PPE.
Examples of controls include: Using a safer tool or equipment or chemical, adding safeguards to machinery, using safer work
practices, using local exhaust ventilation for toxic emissions, and enclosing noisy equipment or moving workers away from such
equipment to reduce exposure levels.
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): Detail what type of PPE is needed for each hazard that can’t be eliminated or minimized using
Mining Practitioner Program
Module 6-1 – Mine Safety and Health
Dr. Andrea Brickey (coordinator)
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mining Engineering and Management
Safety Share
• Please turn off your email and other distractions. There will be two
quizzes today!
• If you have a question, please use the “Raise your hand” button and I
will unmute your mic.
• Why are we concerned with Health & Safety and why should we
manage it.
• Increased productivity
• Avoiding injuries
• Avoiding costly, time consuming, stressful and inconvenient
Safety Pyramid
• A 2010 study by Behavioral Science Technology (BST) found that
serious injuries have different underlying causes than minor ones.
In many cases, the causes of a serious incident are much more
complicated than that of a minor incident:
“These underlying factors – missing controls, lax procedures, badly
designed equipment – create high-risk situations that are likely to
lead to a major incident. Thus identifying and addressing these highrisk situations, or ‘precursors,’ is the key to preventing major
accidents. A precursor is any high-risk practice that has not been
recognized and corrected. It could, for example, be a safety control
that is routinely ignored. In such a case, the company could go for
years with very low lost-time injury rates. Then a worker is killed.
To identify and address precursors, companies need not only to
examine their procedures, safety observations and audits but also to
analyze incident data to distinguish between the small number of
incidents that had the potential to be serious and all the rest, which
did not.”
Current research says that it’s often a unique combination of factors
that leads to an accident. A case in point was BP’s Deepwater
Horizon oil platform explosion in 2010. The report prepared by BP
personnel following this high-profile accident states, “The team did
not identify any single action or inaction that caused this incident.
Rather, a complex and interlinked series of mechanical failures,
human judgments, engineering design, operational implementation
and team interfaces came together to allow the initiation and
escalation of the accident.”
• Hazard: condition or set of circumstances that present a
potential for harm
• Two categories
• Health hazards: occupational illnesses
• Safety hazards: physical harm, injuries
What is Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)?
• Also called a job safety analysis (JSA)
• A technique to identify the dangers of specific tasks
in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers
• Verbal or written
• Formal or informal
• Usually carried out for tasks that are not routine or
have changed
• If a task becomes routine, a JHA can become the
SOP for that task
What tasks would warrant a JHA?
• Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates
• Jobs where there have been “close calls” (near
• Jobs where you have identified violations of safety
standards (MSHA, OSHA, company, etc.)
• Jobs with the potential to cause serious injuries or
illness, even if there is no history of such problems
• Usually carried out for tasks that are not routine
• Jobs in which one simple human mistake could lead
to severe injury
• Jobs that are new to your operation of have been
For example:
A good way to start the process
Establishing a good JHA is a process
• Break a job or task into specific steps.
• Analyze each step for specific hazardous
conditions and unsafe practices.
• Develop preventive measures in each step to
eliminate or reduce the hazards.
• Integrate preventive measures into training
and standard operating procedures (SOP’s).
3 % of all
• Conditions account for _____
workplace accidents.
• Behaviors account for _____ % of all workplace
2 % of all
• Uncontrollable acts account for ____
workplace accidents.
Conclusion: Management has some degree of
control over 98% of the causes for all accidents in
the workplace!
Source: Public Education and Conferences Section, Oregon Occupational Safety and Health, Division (OR-OSHA)
Weed out the causes of injuries and accidents
Direct Cause of Injury
a haza
ical sp
Fails to inspect
Fails to enforce
Lack of time
Fails to tr
To much
Inadequate training
No discipline procedures
No orientation process
Inadequate training plan
No accountability policy
Lack of vision No mission statement
No recognition
Inadequate labeling
Outdated hazcom program
No recognition plan
No inspection policy
System Design Defects – Missing or inadequate program
•One or more inadequate policies, plans, programs,
processes, procedures, practices
•Inadequate resources – money, time, people,
materials, etc.
•Assures inadequate implementation of the safety
management system
•Have the greatest positive or negative impact on the
safety management system
System Performance Defects – Failure to accomplish
action plans
• Managers, supervisors, or employees fail to
effectively carry out safety policies, plans, processes,
procedures or management practices
• They produce common hazardous conditions and/or
unsafe behaviors, or
• They produce repeated unique hazardous conditions
and/or unsafe behaviors
Analyze to Determine Risk
• Unlikely to Certain
• Other than serious • Serious physical harm • Death –
Factors that increase risk
• The number of employees exposed;
• The frequency and duration of exposure;
• The proximity of employees to the point of danger;
• Potential severity of the injury or illness
• Factors that require work under stress;
• Factors that increase severity;
• Lack of proper training and supervision or improper
workplace design; or
• Other factors which may significantly affect the degree of
probability of an accident occurring.
Upon establishing a JHA
• Correct the unsafe conditions and processes
• Train all employees who do the job on the changes
• Make sure they understand the changes
• Review the JHA
• Periodically – you may find hazards you missed before
• When the task or process is changed
• When injuries or close calls occur when doing the task
• Use the JHAs
• Training
• Accident investigation
Control Methods
Hazard Control
• Some control measures are more effective than others at reducing
the hazard.
• Be aware of the different types of controls available and the benefits
and limitations of each.
Hazard Control
• The first consideration for controlling hazards is to eliminate the
hazard or substitute a less hazardous material or process.
• An example of this method is utilizing a water-based paint rather than
a solvent-based paint.
• This control measure minimizes flammable vapors as well as
eliminates health concerns associated with solvent-based paints.
Hazard Control
• When it is not possible to eliminate a hazard, you should
control the hazard using the following methods (in order):
• Engineering controls
• Administrative controls
• Personal Protective Equipment
Hazard Control – Engineering
• Enclosed Hazard
• Enclosure of the hazard, such as enclosures for noisy
• Isolate Hazard
• Isolation of the hazard with interlocks, machine guarding,
welding curtains, and other mechanisms.
• Remove / Redirect Hazard
• Removal or redirection of the hazard such as with local and
exhaust ventilation.
• Redesign Workplace
• Redesign of workstation to minimize ergonomic injuries.
Hazard Control
• If engineering controls are not feasible you must then
consider implementing administrative controls.
• Administrative controls
• No physical changes
• Limits daily exposure to hazards by
• Adjusting work tasks or schedules.
Hazard Control – Administrative
• Examples of administrative controls include:
• Limited time exposure to hazards
• Written operating procedures,
• Work practices, and
• Safety and health rules for employees.
Hazard Control – Administrative
• Alarms, signs and warnings
• Buddy system
• Training
• Stretching exercises and break policies
Hazard Control – PPE
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
• Used when hazards cannot be eliminated through engineering or
administrative controls,
• Must consider personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary for
employee protection
Hazard Control – PPE
• According to OSHA, PPE is acceptable as a control method in
the following situations:
• Engineering controls do not eliminate hazard
• While engineering controls are being developed
• Administrative controls and safe work practices are not sufficient
protection, and
• During emergencies.
Hazard Control
• The most effective control measure = all three hazard control types.
• For example, consider an operation that generates silica dust.
• A ventilation system may be installed to control dust (engineering control),
• Employees are trained and a sign is posted to warn employees of dangers
(administrative controls) and
• Goggles are required to operate the equipment (personal protective
Preventive Maintenance
• An equipment breakdown can create a hazard in your
• For example,
• A pump that fails during the process of delivering hazardous
materials through your production facility may create a
hazardous condition.
• The best way to prevent breakdowns or failures is to
monitor and maintain your equipment regularly. Determine
what hazards could occur if your equipment is not
maintained properly and plan to detect failures before they
Preventive Maintenance
• Implement a written preventive maintenance
• Safety Equipment Examples – A confined space entry
gas monitor
• Determine the intervals of required maintenance on
your equipment
Preventive Maintenance
• Non-Safety Equipment Example.
• Forklifts in your facility have daily and annual inspection requirements. If
there is any deterioration in the hydraulic cylinders or tires the capacity rating
reduces and there may be a failure during a lift. Establish a regular inspection
on a preventive maintenance schedule to keep these devices operating safely.
Preventive Maintenance
• When developing systems, be sure to include one for Disciplinary
actions that cover all (employees, and contractors)
• Ensure that it is applied consistently
• Hazard Correction tracking –hazards that have been identified must
be tracked in order to eliminate and implement controls
Manage Change
• A management of change program ensures that
any modifications or additions to your equipment
or processes are understood and controlled, and
• Updating relevant building or equipment drawings,
• Modifying safety procedures, and
• Training employees on the changes.
Manage Change
• Conduct an analysis of new equipment and processes
• Develop a system to conduct:
• Comprehensive survey,
• JHA, or
• Other worksite analysis technique on new equipment or processes
• Implement appropriate controls before being placed into service
Manage Change
• Example – Suppose your business introduces a new
raw material into the production process. You must
consider the following:
• How the material will be stored and handled
• What PPE may be required if engineering or administrative
controls are not effective at controlling exposures
• If appropriate eyewash and safety showers are available,
• How to train your employees..
Mine Specific Hazards
• Mine Roadways can be a Challenge
Usually unpaved
Often narrow, elevated, and with obstructions
Change from time-to-time.
Can be rutted from use or rains
Low speed limits
May follow contours of the mine or stockpiles
and, thus, have obstructed views
• Falling Rock and Mine Walls
• Quarry and pit walls can be unstable and
result in falling rocks or slides of earth off a
quarry or pit walls.
• Stockpiles
• Stockpiles of products, recycled
material, or loose dirt pose several
• Can be an obstruction for driver’s
• Front end loaders and workers can be
on foot in these areas
• Stockpiles can also become unstable
resulting in loose rocks or slides of
entire piles
• Overhead Lines & Objects
• Be aware of overhead power lines or
plant equipment.
• Accumulation of dirt and materials
on the ground over time may reduce
• Explosives
• Quarry and other hard rock mining
operations conduct blasting
• Flying rock cannot always be
• Be aware of blasting activities and
areas at the mine.
• Plant and Processing Equipment
• Conveyors, sorters, crushers, and other plant
equipment are often continuously in operation.
• May deposit material on roadway or shoot off
• Loose clothing, hands, or feet that come in
contact with the equipment can quickly entrap
a person.
• Electrical
• High voltages, numerous cords, and charged
• Water Hazards
• Lakes and ponds for dredging operations,
flowing streams or rivers, ponds to accumulate
water runoff, moisture on equipment and
stockpiles, and puddles and muddy areas due
to weather.
• Changing Conditions
• A mine, plant, roadways, or loading
areas can be different each time a
trucker arrives.
• A mine pit can change due to more
• Plant areas can be re-configured due to
changes in location of materials or
product needs.
• Stockpiles can change in size, location,
and number due to product demand.
• Loading areas may change due to
changed product stockpiles
• Do Not Pull In Behind a Loader or
Heavy Equipment.
• Heavy equipment operators have limited
• If a loader is digging in a stockpile, or
there is other heavy equipment stopped
at the plant, stop well behind them.
A few examples of potential preshift/on-shift hazardous conditions
Loose hazardous material from tops of pits, banks, walls or benches
Chemical containers missing labels
Loose, fractured or overhanging highwalls
Defective stairways, platforms, doors and runways
Defective mobile equipment (lights, brakes, windows,
seatbelts, audible warning devices, fluid leaks, etc.)
Condition of roadways, grades, clearance, visibility, traffic,
berms or other characteristics of haulage roads
Slip, trip or fall hazards
Tripping and Falling Hazards
• Tripping and falling hazards are the most
common type of hazards found in any
work place.
• Mines are inherently prone to tripping
hazards from uneven surfaces, strewn
rocks, discarded equipment, and chords
on the ground.
• Even paved areas can present tripping
and falling hazards.
Insufficient lighting in any area where miners
work or travel.
Any mobile equipment in use which has not been
inspected by the operator for safety defects.
Equipment guards that have been removed and not replaced
Improper storage of material
Improperly blocked equipment raised for repair/service
Torn or missing insulation, loose grounds or exposed electrical wiring
October 14, 2002, a 25-year-old front-end loader operator, with 3 months
mining experience was fatally injured at a sand and gravel operation. The victim
parked his loader near the toe of a 33 foot highwall and left the operator’s cab
when material sloughed off the highwall and buried him.
October 21, 2002, a 48-year-old equipment operator with 11 years mining
experience was fatally injured at a sand and gravel operation. The victim was
operating a front-end loader feeding a power screen plant when he backed one
of the wheels over a drop-off. The loader, which was not provided with a ROPS
cab, rolled over, crushing the victim.
• Safety is critical to the success of the mineral industry.
• Safety regulations can change from country to country and with the
mining method used.
• There are five control methods used to eliminate or reduce safety
hazards. These are eliminate, substitute, engineering controls,
administrative, and PPE.
• Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
*Materials presented in this PPT are taken from the SD MSHA State
Grants Program, MSHA, OSHA Websites, Public Education and
Conferences Section, Oregon Occupational Safety and Health, Division
(OR-OSHA), California Construction and Industrial Materials
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