A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic complaining of a 12-day history of a runny nose

A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic complaining of a 12-day history of a runny nose. States that her symptoms began about 12 days ago. She suffers from allergies; she gets a runny nose during the spring-time, pollen season. However, in the winter, her allergies are not a problem.. (BP) 115/75, (P) 89, (RR) 16, (T) 100.4°F (38°C), O2 sat 98% on room air. No signs of acute distress. Patient appears mildly fatigued. She is breathing through her mouth. Breathing easily. Voice has a nasal quality to it. Ear canals: normal; EYES: normal; NOSE: Bilateral erythema and edema of turbinates with significant yellow drainage on the right. Nares: Obstructed air passages.


Posterior pharynx: mildly injected, scant postnasal drainage (PND), no exudate, tonsils 1+, no cobblestoning.

Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, S3, or S4

1. What other subjective data would you obtain?

2. What other objective findings would you look for?

3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order?

4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?

5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.

· Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

Critical Thinking week 2 DB (V)

Last week we began to learn how we think as individuals. This week we will reflect a bit on what we actually know and how we organize that knowledge in our own minds. What do you really know about various topics? Chances are it may be more than you realize! In this discussion we will attempt to plot what we know about a topic in a knowledge structure (sometimes called a mind map) and then communicate this knowledge to the rest of the class.

View the following presentation (attached) on plotting knowledge structures. Then plot your own knowledge structure on one of the following topics: animals, books, movies, TV shows, music, college classes, or sports. If there is another topic you would like to do, contact me and I will let you know if it is OK. You may submit your work as a Powerpoint file, a Word (or similar) document, a pdf file, or even as a scanned image (jpeg) if you do it by hand. Bottom line, you will need to show me your knowledge structure on one of these topics one way or another so that you can demonstrate that you understand how we categorize information in our mind.

PlotKnowledgeStructures.pdf PlotKnowledgeStructures.pdf – Alternative Formats Note: file will open in a new tab or window.

Grading Criteria The 200 words or more answer is waived for this discussion as long as you post a good knowledge structure. However, I still expect your comments to classmates to be 40 or more words each.


First, you should select a brief section or passage from your chosen reading. Place that passage at the top of your response (or indicate where it is in the reading by stating the page numbers). Next, you should write 300 words (not counting the selected passage) in which you analyze—not summarize—the significance of that selection. This means that instead of merely retelling the chosen work, this analysis will focus in on the effects or the meaning of the piece through analytical exploration.



Reflections of a 12-Step Meeting

CNDV 5312 Group Theories and Techniques

Week 4 Application Assignment: Reflections of a 12-Step Meeting

This assignment includes a dialogue that you must have with at least one member at the group attended (the chairperson/leader is usually accessible and willing to talk with you before or after the group). Jot down your thoughts of the experience after attending the meeting (to include what you learned from speaking with the group member) in order to aid you in writing paper.

An introduction – This one-to-two paragraph introduction will provide an overview of the meeting that you attended. Please include the name of the meeting, the group leader first name, place, time and length of meeting and why you chose this meeting.

Your paper must include the following sections:

· Pre-Group – In this section you will discuss your thoughts and feelings about attending the group. Did you call? How did you find it? Why did you choose this group? What do you expect to see or hear while attending?

· Observation – In this section you will discuss what you observed during the group. When and where did you go? What were your thoughts? What surprised you? What did you learn?

· Discussion – In this section you will discuss your discussion with the group member/leader. What are their thoughts about being a part of this group? What works in the group? What would they like to see different? If they are a leader, what is their philosophy of group leadership? What words of advice do they have for novice group leaders?

· Reflection Post Group – In this section you will discuss your thoughts and feelings after attending the group. What did you take from the experience and how will you use this experience in your future group work?

Overall, the written section of this assignment should be approximately 4 pages (not including your title page). This paper should be mostly reflective in nature, and you will need to include at least 2 scholarly references.

This assignment will count toward your final grade and is worth 100 points.

Due Day 7 of Week 4 by 11:59pm (CST) in Blackboard.

Explain the difference between fundamental and applied research.

Watch the following video and explain the difference between fundamental and applied research. Give an example of each. (300 words 1 reference/intext citation)


After viewing the video below, please briefly describe qualitative research characteristics and methodologies. (300 words 1 reference/intext citation)