Title: Article Critique Assignment – Evaluating a Health Outcome Article Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will critically evaluate a health outcome article. You will assess the article’s quality, methodology, findings, and relevance to contemporary healthcare issues. This assignment is worth 10 points. Instructions: Select a Health Outcome Article: Choose a peer-reviewed health outcome article from a reputable source published preferably within the last 5 years. You may use academic databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or SJSU library resources to find an appropriate article. The article should focus on a specific health outcome (e.g., disease prevention, treatment effectiveness, public health interventions, or any health-related subject matter). Critique Guidelines: Read the selected article thoroughly. Consider the following questions while evaluating the article: a. What is the research question or hypothesis? b. What research methods were used? Were they appropriate for the study’s objectives? c. What is the sample size? Was the sample representative? d. Were the data collection and analysis methods well-described and appropriate? e. Were there any potential sources of bias or confounding factors? f. What were the key findings and their implications? g. How relevant is this article to current healthcare practice or policy? Take notes as you read the article to support your critique. Write the Article Critique: Compose a critique of the article that addresses the questions mentioned above. Your critique should be structured logically and include an introduction, body, and conclusion. • The critique should be 2 pages in length (excluding reference) • Double spaced, size-12 Times New Roman/Arial • APA format with necessary citations. • Include the link to the article in your paper. Grading Criteria: Your critique will be assessed based on the following criteria: • Clarity and coherence of your critique. • Depth and thoroughness of your analysis. • Ability to identify strengths and weaknesses in the article. • Understanding of research methodology. • Critical thinking and interpretation of the findings. • Relevance to current healthcare practice or policy. Rubric – Write a Critique report (10 points) • Purpose (1 points) • Methods (1 points) • Analysis and Results (5 points) • Conclusion (1 points) • Quality, Clarity, and APA Formatting (2 points) Submission: Submit your critique as a neatly formatted, typed document in PDF format. Please name the file as “PH164_LastName_FirstName_ArticleCritique_Fall_2023.pdf.” Due Date: The assignment is due on 05/16 (11:59PM) Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cite your sources appropriately using APA citation. Turnitin is enabled.
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