Annotated Bibliography for the following references (150 words each):? Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Ing, M., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2021). The influence of school adminis


Annotated Bibliography for the following references (150 words each): 

Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Ing, M., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2021). The influence of school administrators on teacher retention decisions. American Educational Research Journal, 48(2), 303-3033. . 

Learning Policy Institute. (2017). The role of principals in addressing teacher shortages. Learning Policy Institute. . 

Louisiana Believes. (2024). Governor Landry joins state superintendent to unveil recommendations to support teachers. Louisiana Department of Education. . 

Saloviita, T. & Parkarinen, E. (2021). Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97. . 

Shuls, J., & Flores, J. (2020). Improving teacher retention through support and development. Journal of educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 4(1). .

Crippen, C. (2004). Servant leadership as an effective model for educational leadership and management: first to serve, then to lead. Management in Education, 18(5), 11-16.   . 

Beng Huat See, Rebecca Morris, Stephen Gorard & Nada El Soufi (2020) What works in attracting and retaining teachers in challenging schools and areas?, Oxford Review of Education, 46:6, 678-697. . 

Garcia, E. & Weiss, E. (2019). U.S. schools struggle to hire and retain teachers. Economic Policy Institute. 

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