46 year-old Kathy is complaining of “heavy periods that are painful.”


46 year-old Kathy is complaining of “heavy periods that are painful.” She states for the past six months, her periods have become longer in duration. Kathy was alarmed this past month on days 2 and 3 of her period as she passed several clots and soaked three super absorbent pads in 2 hours. She does have a family history of fibroids and occasionally takes naproxen for the pain, which she finds does help somewhat.

1. What pathophysiological concepts must be considered to manage Kathy’s situation effectively?

2. Kathy asks whether she will have to get a hysterectomy like her mother did. What must be considered before you respond to this question?

3. What treatment options have you seen in practice for this disorder?






Initial Post- Timing

3 points

Post initial post by 11:59pm CST on Wednesday of the week due

3 points

Post initial response by 11:59pm CST on Thursday of the week due

2 points

Post initial post by 11:59pm CST on Friday of the week due

1 point

Post initial response after Friday of the week due

0 points

Initial Post- Word Count

3 points

Post contains a minimum of 200 words

3 points

Post contains 150-199 words

2 points

Post contains 100-149 words

1 point

Post contains less than 100 words

0 points

Initial Post- Content

3 points

Initial posting fully addresses ALL aspects of the discussion. Information is factually correct, reflective and substantive contribution which advances the discussion.

3 points

Initial posting adequately addresses all aspects of the discussion. Information is factually correct, but lacks full development of concepts in the discussion.

2 points

Initial posting loosely addresses all aspects of the discussion and does not add substantive information to the discussion.

1 point

Does not post an initial post or initial posting contains uncivil or inappropriate content.

0 points

Initial Post- Reference

3 points

Uses at least 1 current (within the last 5 years), peer reviewed nursing journal or the course textbook for the initial post.

Reference must be different from the other two posts

3 points

Uses a current (within 5 years, peer reviewed journal other than nursing

2 points

Uses nursing focused information from a reputable website but not a journal or journal is greater than 5 years old.

1 point

Does not include a reference.

0 points

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